Prevention of mastitis
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Prevention of mastitis comes down to the prevention of formation of cracks and grazes of nipples, to their timely treatment, and also to the prevention of stagnation of milk. The nursing mother has to follow rules of personal hygiene especially carefully. For this purpose it is necessary to wash daily a breast warm water with soap. To wash a nipple and the area adjoining to it 2% solution of soda (one teaspoon on a glass of boiled water) or just boiled water. It is better to decant several first drops of milk. It clears outside departments of the removing channels of mammary glands of the microbes which got there.
* After feeding by a breast carefully to wash a nipple and to grease it with the structure consisting of equal amount of vodka and ovalbumin. To dry before formation of a film. Before feeding, regardless of the means applied to treatment of cracks, the breast needs to be washed up carefully using children's soap.
* At cracks and nipple wounds at women it is recommended to grease a nipple with juice of carrots and to powder with powder from feltwort flowers.
* For treatment of nipple cracks their sea-buckthorn are recommended to oil, to powder white streptocide or starch.
For prevention of mastitis it is necessary to follow rules of feeding also carefully. Feeding of the kid for mothers is usually very pleasant. And they involuntarily try to prolong it, this circumstance can lead to irritation of skin of a nipple, emergence of the becoming wet and small, very painful cracks of a nipple. Cracks are entrance gate for an infection which can cause mastitis. Therefore, in order to avoid emergence of cracks it is necessary:
* To change position of the child at a breast during feeding that at suction different sites of a nipple were exposed to pressure;
* After feeding of pacifiers it is necessary to take from a mouth of the baby. If he does not let it, it is enough to hold slightly a nose of the kid, and he will push out a nipple;
* After feeding and decantation of the remained milk it is necessary to dry up a nipple, holding opened on air of 5 minutes;
* The milk which remained after feeding needs to be decanted before full emptying of a breast. It is necessary to decant milk the easy movements, without touching a nipple. At a nagrubaniye of chest glands it is reasonable to use a milk pump;
* It is necessary to change daily linen, to carefully boil and iron brassieres.

Mammary gland at mastitis