Raccoon 400

Producer: Mega Lifescienses (MEGA of Layfsayns) Australia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11HA03
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: D - alpha tocopheryl acetate; 1 capsule contains: 400 ME vitamins E (D - alpha tocopheryl acetate);
excipients: soy oil, gelatin, glycerin (85%).
Pharmacological properties:
Tocopherol in an organism increases protective properties of cellular membranes.
Tocopherol gets to blood, mainly, with a lymph, the maximum concentration in serum is reached in 4 - 8 hours after intake and in a day again is returned to the previous level. Tocopherol is emitted with bile. As concentration of a-tocopherol in bile is stable, unlike concentration in serum, sharp fluctuations of concentration of vitamin E in plasma are not reflected directly in bile.
Indications to use:
Drug is appointed in complex therapy of infertility as auxiliary therapy at disturbances of a menstrual cycle.
Drug is used as supportive application if there are signs of deficit of vitamin E in therapy of diseases of a digestive tract, muscular system, the joint device, neurologic diseases, dysfunctions of hemadens, at defective food, at liver diseases, at alimentary anemia, skin diseases, at neurosensory relative deafness, as a part of antioxidant therapy.
Route of administration and doses:
Doses select individually, depending on the nature of a disease. The average duration of use is from 1-3 weeks up to 2-3 months. If the doctor does not appoint differently, the adult to apply:
- at infertility, disturbances of a menstrual cycle (in combination with hormonal therapy) - on 400 mg every other day, repeating 5 times, since 17 in the afternoon a cycle;
- at rhematoid diseases - on 400 mg daily within several weeks;
- at primary muscular dystrophy to - 2000 mg a day, at other neurologic indications are enough 400 mg a day within 30 - 60 days;
- at alimentary anemias - on 400 mg a day within 10 days;
- at chronic hepatitises with aggravations appoint treatment with a daily dose of 400 mg within several months;
- at endocrinological diseases - on 400 mg a day;
- as the component of antioxidant therapy is applied on 400 mg of 1 - 2 time a day;
To children 12 years are more senior appoint 400 mg a day.
The capsule is swallowed entirely, washing down with enough neutral liquid.
Side effects:
Usually drug is well transferred, however at prolonged treatment or after reception of high doses the digestive disturbance, fatigue, weakness, a headache are in exceptional cases possible. Use of high doses of vitamin E can aggravate disturbances of coagulability of blood, caused by a lack of vitamin K.
Interaction with other medicines:
Vitamin E facilitates absorption and digestion of vitamin A and prevents development of avitaminosis of A. V to a dose over 10 mg/kg a day vitamin E slows down therapeutic effect of iron at appointment to children with an iron deficiency anemia. With small body weight at the birth which appoint iron preparations deficit of vitamin E can cause hemolitic anemia in children.
Vitamin E or its metabolites have opposite effect of vitamin K. Long purpose of vitamin E can cause hemorrhages in patients who were treated by peroral anticoagulants.
There are data that vitamin E can increase efficiency of anticonvulsants at patients with epilepsy in whose blood the increased maintenance of products of peroxide oxidation of lipids is revealed.
Patients cannot accept drug with hypersensitivity to any of drug components.
Special cautions. It is necessary to be careful at use
vitamin E patients with the expressed cardiosclerosis and at an acute myocardial infarction.
- Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. It can be applied during pregnancy and feeding by a breast only under careful observation of the doctor.
- Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or other mechanisms. Does not influence.
- Children. Do not appoint to children aged up to 12 years in a dosage of 400 mg.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity. 3 years. To store in protected from light, the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 3 blisters in a bag from a foil; on 1 bag in cardboard packaging.