Tocopherol acetate 5%, 10%, 30% solution oil. 20 ml

Producer: CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11H A03
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution in oil.
General characteristics. Structure:
Acting substance: 1 ml of solution contains α-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) in terms of 100% of α-tocopherol acetate - 50 mg, 100 mg, 300 mg; excipients.
Pharmacological properties:
Vitamin E is the antioxidant means protecting various endogenous substances of an organism from oxidation. Slows down the peroxide oxidation of lipids which is activated at many diseases. Gem and proteins, exchange of fats and carbohydrates, proliferation of cells etc. takes part in processes of tissue respiration, biosynthesis. At deficit of vitamin E degenerative changes in muscles develop, permeability and fragility of capillaries increase, the epithelium of seed tubules and testicles regenerates, degenerative processes in nervous tissue and hepatocytes are noted. Insufficiency of vitamin E can cause hemolitic jaundice of newborns, a sprue, a steatorrhea.
Pharmacokinetics. α-tocopherol is soaked up in intestines in the presence of fat and bile acids, the absorption mechanism - passive diffusion. It is transported in structure (blood b-lipoproteids, the maximum concentration is reached by the 4th o'clock after reception. It is removed with a stake, with urine conjugates and tokoferonovy acid are removed.
Indications to use:
α-tocopherol acetate is appointed at treatment of muscular dystrophies of various character and genesis, a dermatomyositis, palmar fibromatoses, a side amyotrophic sclerosis, a dermatosis, psoriasis, disturbances of functions of male gonads and a menstrual cycle, threat of abortion. Drug is effective at a scleroderma, a hypotrophy and other diseases at children. α-tocopherol acetate can increase efficiency of anticonvulsants at epilepsy. Drug is used at spasms of peripheral vessels, atherosclerosis, an idiopathic hypertensia, a myocardial dystrophy, in complex therapy of other cardiovascular diseases and eye diseases. α-tocopherol acetate reduces side effect of chemotherapeutic means.
Route of administration and doses:
α-tocopherol acetate is appointed inside. Inside drug is used in the form of 5%, 10% and 30% of solutions in oil (1 ml contains respectively 50 mg, 100 mg and 300 mg of a-tocopherol of acetate) in the following doses and according to the following schemes. At muscular dystrophies, an amyotrophic side sclerosis, other diseases of neuromuscular system the daily dose is equal to 50-100 mg. Accept within 30-60 days with repetition of courses in 2-3 months. At disturbance of a spermatogenesis and potentiality at men the daily dose makes 100-300 mg. In combination with hormonal therapy appoint within 30 days. At threat of abortion of A-tocopherol acetate accept in a daily dose 100-150 mg within 7-14 days, at abortion and deterioration in pre-natal fetation appoint 100-150 mg a day daily or every other day in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy. At atherosclerosis, a myocardial dystrophy, diseases of peripheral vessels in days enter together with vitamin A 100 mg of drug (a course of treatment of 20-40 days with possible repetition of treatment in 3-6 months). At complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases, eye and other diseases of a-tocopherol acetate 1-2 times a day appoint in a dose 50-100 mg (a use course 1-2-3 weeks). At dermatological diseases the daily dose of drug is equal to 50-100 mg (the course of treatment makes 20-40 days). At a scleroderma, a hypotrophy and decrease in capillary resistance at babies apply 5-10 mg in a daily dose.
Features of use:
It is more preferable to apply acetate α-tocopherol solution during food.
With care drug is appointed at a myocardial infarction, the expressed atherosclerosis, allergic reactions.
Side effects:
Drug can cause allergic reactions. At the expressed side effect drug is cancelled.
Interaction with other medicines:
α-tocopherol acetate cannot be applied inside together with iron preparations, silver, the alkaline reacting means.
Hypersensitivity to drug.
The phenomena of overdose are not described.
Storage conditions:
To store in protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at the room temperature.
Period of validity - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 20 ml in bottles.