Triglobulin - Biofarm

Producer: CIAO Biofarm Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: J06B B30
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Powder for oral solution.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients - immunological active fractions of immunoglobulins: IgG – 50-70%, Ig M – 15-25%, Ig A - 15-25% (1 dose);
excipients - sodium chloride, glycine (glycine, the aminoacetic acid).
Main properties: the powder or porous mass of white or slightly yellowish color containing immunoglobulins of the classes Ig G, Ig M, Ig A
Pharmacological properties:
The operating basis of drug are immunobiologichesk the active fractions of proteins of plasma or blood serum of the person containing immunoglobulins of the classes Ig G, Ig M, Ig A.
Indications to use:
Complex treatment of acute intestinal infections at newborns and children. The perinatal infection (a necrotic coloenteritis, sepsis) caused by enterobakteriya at newborn and premature children; viral diarrheas, in particular rotavirusny diarrheas at children.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is used in the middle orally in the form of solution. For what in a bottle, after its opening, add 5 ml of the cooled boiled water and dissolve at easy stirring. Time of dissolution should not exceed 10 minutes. At treatment of acute intestinal infections drug is appointed on an empty stomach in 30 minutes prior to food on 5 ml (1 dose) by 1-2 times a day within 7-10 days. At treatment of the perinatal infection (a necrotic coloenteritis, sepsis) caused by enterobakteriya, drug is appointed on an empty stomach to newborn children on 2.5 ml by 2 times a day.
To premature children drug is appointed on 1.0 ml of 5 times a day within 5 days. The newborn with low body weight at the birth drug is appointed on 0.5 ml of 5 times a day. If necessary the course of treatment can be prolonged up to 7-10 days. Unused drug needs to be stored at a temperature from 2 °C to 8 °C within a day.
Features of use:
Use of drug in a complex with antibiotics, chemotherapeutic drugs, bacteriophages is possible.
Side effects:
Reactions to administration of drug as a rule are absent. Sometimes, especially persons with the raised allergization, can have local polymorphic enanthesis. In these cases further administration of drug needs to be continued in combination with antihistaminic drugs.
Interaction with other medicines:
It was not studied.
Drug use is contraindicated to the children having allergic reactions to administration of blood proteins of the person (a Quincke's edema, allergic rashes, an acute anaphylaxis) in the anamnesis. To the children having allergic diseases or inclined to allergic reactions use of drug is carried out against the background of antihistaminic therapy.
It was not studied.
Storage conditions:
In the dry, protected from light place at a temperature from 2 °C to 8 °C.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
In bottles No. 5, No. 10.