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Enteroviral infection


The enteroviral infection is a group of intestinal infections which is caused by so-called enteroviruses. The enteroviral infection affects bodies a GIT, lungs, a liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system. Frequency of development of an enteroviral infection in newborns varies depending on population and season. The newborn can be infected vnutriutrobno, but is more often — at the time of delivery or right after them. The result depends on virulence of the specific circulating serotype, a way of transmission of infection and existence or lack of passively transferred maternal antibodies. The postponed Koksaki's infection during pregnancy can cause inborn malformations cardiovascular (Fallo's tetrad, an aorta atresia, an atresia of the tricuspid valve), urinogenital and digestive systems in the newborn. Koksaki's virus In is more virulent, than ECHO (Enteric Cytopathogenic Human Orphan — orphan intestinal cytopathic viruses of the person) or Koksaki A. Cases of neonatal poliomyelitis are almost not known.

Reasons of the Enteroviral infection:

Enteroviral infections are widespread around the world. Enteroviruses are a small RNA-containing viruses without cover. Various enteroviruses can affect different target organs, and symptoms and symptoms of an infection vary depending on what body is struck. Poliomyelitis viruses strike brain cells, many enteroviruses — a meninx, and Koksaki's viruses of group B — a cardiac muscle. The virus extends fecal and oral, drop in the ways.

Строение энтеровируса типа 72

Structure of an enterovirus of type 72

Symptoms of the Enteroviral infection:

Enteroviral infections at newborns can proceed with diverse clinical signs — from an asymptomatic current to the hardest infection with a lethal outcome. To number of the most often found heavy symptoms fever, an encephalomeningitis, myocarditis, generalized hemorrhages otknositsya, however also rashes, vomiting, diarrhea, a necrotizing coloenteritis, hepatitis and pancreatitis are associated with enteroviral infections.
Koksaki's virus In tropine to a cardiac muscle therefore fruit infection on early durations of gestation causes heart malformations, and at infection in the second half of pregnancy — myocarditis. Post-natal infection leads to an endocardial fibroelastosis, a myocardial dystrophy, damage of kidneys (chronic pyelonephritis). The most frequent syndromes at the ESNO-infection are meningitis and an encephalomeningitis. However development of fetalis hepatitis with a picture of a fulminantny liver failure and the IDCS is possible. About 80% of children perish. If infection occurs just before childbirth, then the disease of the newborn proceeds especially hard with a high lethality.

Кожные проявления при энтеровирусной инфекции

Skin manifestations at an enteroviral infection


1. Allocation of an enterovirus from liquor, a calla, a pharyngeal secret, biopsy materials.
2. Identifications of antigens at an immunofluorescent research, the PTsR-analysis.
3. In view of existence of cross-reactions between various serotypes of viruses serologic assay малоинформативен.

Treatment of the Enteroviral infection:

Administration of immunoglobulins in/in, a posindromny and maintenance therapy at damage of heart, brain, liver as there is no specific therapy.
Prevention. Some authors recommend in/in administration of immunoglobulin to healthy children who were in contact with patients with an enteroviral infection.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Enteroviral infection: