Post-dysenteric colitis
- Description
- Symptoms of Post-dysenteric colitis
- Reasons of Post-dysenteric colitis
- Treatment of Post-dysenteric colitis
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see also:
- Colitis
- Ischemic colitis
- Chronic colitis
- Chronic spastic colitis
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Post-dysenteric colitis is an inflammation of intestines after the postponed dysentery.
Symptoms of Post-dysenteric colitis:
Post-dysenteric colitis develops later long term after acute dysentery, and also after the chronic dysentery proceeding with a recurrence.
At chronic erosive and ulcer colitis, sometimes with perikolity, the dyskinesia phenomena patients complain of periodically coming diarrhea with mucifying and blood, the general weakness, an indisposition, pains of spastic character, sometimes tenesmus. The aggravation of symptoms is connected with the use of whole milk, greasy food, sometimes the food containing a large amount of cellulose after reception of crude fruit, vegetables, berries etc. The patient gradually excludes various dishes from food that conducts to defective food, partial starvation, and in connection with starvation — to falling of immune properties, reactive ability of an organism and disturbance of an angenesis. At a koprologichesky research during an aggravation the slime located on a surface issued a calla or mixed with a kashitseobrazny masses is found, blood — it is macroscopic in the form of streaks on the issued Calais or chemically. Digestibility of muscle fibers, fat and cellulose normal. Rektoskopicheski in the period of an aggravation pristenochny imposing of slime, a hyperemia about ulcerations and places of an erosion are found. Roentgenoscopic — the phenomena of a kolospazm are more often, and at erosive and ulcer colitis — changes of a relief.

Mucous intestines at dysentery
Reasons of Post-dysenteric colitis:
Post-dysenteric colitis develops under the influence of various environmental factors and internal state of an organism: insufficient treatment of acute and chronic dysentery (small doses of antibiotics and sulfanamide drugs): other infectious diseases — streptococcal quinsy, viral flu, etc. The broken reactivity of an organism can be the cause of transition of acute dysentery to chronic post-dysenteric colitis at starvation, unilateral improper feeding, depletion of an organism vitamins, proteins; other diseases — hepatitis, anacid gastritis and so forth.
Treatment of Post-dysenteric colitis:
At an exacerbation of chronic post-dysenteric colitis treatment should be begun with use of laxative salt, sulfanamide drugs (sulfaguanidine, Ftalazolum), simultaneous or consecutive use of antibiotics — biomycin, oxytetracycline. Use of enemas from 0,4% of solution of gramicidin on 50 — 100 ml is reasonable. This treatment is carried out against the background of full-fledged, preferential proteinaceous food with the increased content of vitamins, in particular group B vitamins.