DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Neurology Tabic crisis

Tabic crisis

see also:


Tabic crisis (tabes lat - exhaustion, an exhaustion, tabes) - the attacks at patients with tabes which are shown the intensive penetrating radicular pains and followed by the expressed vegetative dysfunction (increase in sweating, abdominal pains, a dysuria).

Symptoms of Tabic crisis:

Are characterized by suddenly nastuyopayushchy sharp painful pains in internal oreganos (a stomach, a bladder, etc.) also are followed by dysfunction of these bodies. There are guttural crises to cough and difficulty of breath, gastric crises to vomiting and spasms in an anticardium, intestinal crises to abdominal pains and an uncontrollable diarrhea, rectal kriyoza to rectum pains both strong and frequent pozyvayom on defecation, vesical crises with pains and uchashchenyony desires on an urination, uterine, cardiac and respiratory crises. Crises arise suddenly and several hours and even can proyodolzhatsya 2 — 5 days. Arising for no apparent reason, crises sometimes are distinguished not at once; they are mistakenly connected with food intoxication or other accidental moments. Gastrointestinal crises should be differentiated with stomach ulcer, cholelithic to a boyoleznye, bladder stones, appendicitis. Raspoznayovaniya existence of characteristic symptoms helps: a miosis, vyayoly reaction of pupils, an anisocoria, a symptom of Argayl - Robert - sona, an areflexia on the lower extremities and an ataxy, disorder of deep sensitivity standing, dysfunction of pelvic bodies, primary atrophy of optic nerves.

Reasons of Tabic crisis:

Arise when progressing back tabes (a late form of neurosyphilis).

Treatment of Tabic crisis:

Appoint atropine, a belladonna, Promedolum (0,025 g), Chlorali hydras, aminazine, bromine, at rectal and vesical crises — candles from a belladonna and novocaine. Sometimes do juxtaspinal or epidural novocainic. blockade.

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