Language abscess
- Description
- Language abscess reasons
- Language abscess symptoms
- Treatment of abscess of language
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see also:
- Brain abscess
- Abscess
- Abscess of lungs
- Amoebic abscess of a liver
a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
- Dental abscess
- Abscess of soft tissues
- Abscess of sweat glands
- Skin abscess
- Tubo-ovarian abscess
- Ovarian abscess
- Intra belly abscesses
- Liver abscess
- Douglas abscess
- Retropharyngeal abscess
- Prostate abscess
- Kidney abscess
- Retroperitoneal abscesses
- Appendicular abscess
- Abscess of a nasal partition
- Cerebellum abscess
- Corn abscess
- Okolochelyustna abscess
Language abscess - the acute limited inflammation of language, is extremely rare встречающееся at children.
Language abscess reasons:
Abscess arises and develops at penetration of an infection. Distinguish poverkhnostyony (directly under a mucous membrane) and deep (in a muscular layer) abscesses. Inflammatory process quickly develops and ograniyochivatsya also quickly.
Language abscess symptoms:
At survey define a paraglossa and the towering hyperemic site of a mucous membrane (corresponds to the inflammation center). Pain arises or amplifies at a conversation, meal. Sometimes complaints are absent or the child feels only insignificant discomfort.

Language abscess
Treatment of abscess of language:
At superficial abscess appoint frequent rinsings by antisepticheyosky means [0,1% solution of a hlorgeksidin, 0,01% solution of a nitrofural (Furacilin)]. Reception of antibiotics inside in age doses is shown. By means of these measures it is possible to avoid surgical intervention. At a razyovitiya of deep abscess make opening of abscess, drainage of a wound. In addition appoint a course of antibiotics, frequent irrigations of an oral cavity antiseptic agents.