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Corn abscess


The palmar corn abscess called in use "nominal" develops most often under a callosity at the level of heads of metacarpal bones from pressure of the working tool.

Reasons of corn abscess:

Persons of physical work at infection of a wet callosity or at hit of an infection under the callused site of skin of a palm through cracks or minor defects of an epithelium have a peculiar purulent process — corn abscess-namin. In view of density of a giperplazirovanny epithelium process it is long it is not opened outside, and penetration of pus into hypodermic cellulose extends in the parties, dayovy not only epithelium amotio on a considerable extent, but also, i.e. there is a process as a cuff link, with penetration of pus into interdigital folds into tendinous vaginas and on a back of the hand.

Путь распространения инфекции от мозольного абсцесса в виде запонки до флегмоны тыла кисти (схема)

Way of spread of an infection from corn abscess in the form of a cuff link to phlegmon of a back of the hand (scheme)

Symptoms of corn abscess:

Megalgias and diffuse swelling in a distal part of a palm, difficulty and morbidity of movements in slightly bent fingers, the redness noticeable only on peripheries, peeling of epidermis pus, the moved apart fingers and redness in interdigital intervals at a process complication interdigital phlegmon.

Treatment of corn abscess:

Treatment of corn abscess — operational, as at a skin felon. It is important not to leave at the edges of otsloyenny epidermis, not to pass the course deep into. After excision and survey the wound surface is powdered by antiseptic agents and becomes covered by the aseptic bandage impregnated with fat. The brush is fixed, and the patient is exempted from work for 3 — 4 days.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Corn abscess:

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