DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Angiology Phlebothrombosis



Phlebothrombosis — a disease at which in a gleam of a vein the blood clot attached partially or completely to a vein wall is formed.

Phlebothrombosis symptoms:

The phlebothrombosis of deep veins affects the lower extremities, basin veins more often. In an initial stage the clinical picture is minimum, diagnosis is difficult. In this stage often yet there is no full occlusion of a vessel, beds is kept, only morbidity can be determined by the course of a vascular bundle, morbidity at a foot dorsiflexion (Huo Mansa symptom), nagging pains on the internal surface of a hip and foot (Payr's symptom), and increase in pressure in it it is higher than 150 mm of mercury of pain when imposing a cuff on a shin. (Lovenberg's symptom). At increase of thrombosis blood circulation in an extremity is broken: appears swelled, skin becomes glossy, the drawing of saphenas (Pratt's symptom), a mramornost and cyanosis of skin (a symptom of Shperlinga) accurately acts. At a vein thrombosis of a basin there can be easy peritoneal phenomena and dynamic intestinal impassability. The general condition of patients suffers: weakness, fatigue, temperature increase, tachycardia.

At a phlebothrombosis of superficial veins the dermahemia and morbidity on the vein course is noted.

Нижняя конечность при флеботромбозе

The lower extremity at a phlebothrombosis

Phlebothrombosis reasons:

Formation of blood clot happens at increase in coagulability of blood, vascular wall pathology, delay of a blood flow. Quite often set of these factors meets during the period after operation.

Treatment of the Phlebothrombosis:

At thrombophlebitis of deep veins of a basin and the lower extremities to establish the diagnosis much more difficultly because of small expressiveness of clinical symptoms. At diagnosis consider the anamnesis, results of an objective research, data obtained as a result of contrast X-ray inspection and special diagnostic tests, an angiography, a research using marked fibrinogen etc.

Treatment is carried out in the conditions of a specialized hospital. In many cases surgical treatment is shown.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Phlebothrombosis:

  • Препарат Троксерутин 2%.

    Trokserutin of 2%

    Venotoniziruyushchy and venoprotektorny means.

    JSC Biokhimik Republic of Mordovia

  • Препарат Троксерутин.


    Angioprotektorny means.

    LLC Ozon Russia

  • Препарат Гепарил 1000.

    Geparil 100

    Means which are used at a varicosity. Heparin for topical administration.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Вессел Дуэ Ф.

    Wessel Due F

    Anticoagulating means of direct action.

    Alfa-Wassermann S.p.A. (Alpha Wasserman S. of the item. A) Italy

  • Препарат Вессел Дуэ Ф.

    Wessel Due F

    Anticoagulating means of direct action.

    Alfa-Wassermann S.p.A. (Alpha Wasserman S. of the item. A) Italy

  • Сайт детского здоровья