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Sacroileitis — an inflammation of a sacroiliac joint. Inflammatory process can extend to a synovial membrane (synovitis), mention joint surfaces (osteoarthritis) or all joint (panarthritis).

Sacroileitis symptoms:

The acute purulent sacroileitis begins with fervescence, a fever. Quickly heavy intoxication develops, in blood the leukocytosis, increase in SOE is found. The sharp pains in a sacroiliac joint amplifying at a palpation, pressing on wings of ileal bones and overextension of the lower extremity are locally noted. The patient accepts forced situation with the bent legs. Radiological at the purulent inflammation of a sacroiliac joint mentioning only a synovial membrane expansion of a joint crack and moderate osteoporosis of joint departments of a sacrum and an ileal bone is noted. At an osteoarthritis the joint crack, on the contrary, is narrowed, contours of joint surfaces uneven, are indistinct.

At a subacute current of a purulent sacroileitis beginning of a disease erased. Subfebrile body temperature, unsharp increase in SOE, moderate local morbidity in a sacroiliac joint are noted. Radiological changes come to light sometimes in 2 — 3 weeks. Quite often the disease has a chronic current with frequent aggravations.

Heavy complication of a purulent sacroileitis is formation of purulent zatek with break in a rump and especially in a pelvic cavity. In the presence of zatek palpatorno and at a rectal research painful fluctuating elastic education comes to light. Penetration of pus into sacral openings and the vertebral channel is followed by damage of a spinal cord and its covers.

Двухсторонний сакроилеит на рентгенограмме

Bilateral sacroileitis on the roentgenogram

Sacroileitis reasons:

Distinguish aseptic (infectious and allergic), specific (for example, at tuberculosis) and a nonspecific (purulent) sacroileitis.

Treatment of the Sacroileitis:

Patients with a purulent sacroileitis need hospitalization. Treatment is directed to elimination of a purulent inflammation and increase in resistance of an organism. At purulent osteoarthrites, panarthrites, and also at chronic forms of a purulent sacroileitis surgical treatment is shown.

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