Subacute septic endocarditis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Subacute septic endocarditis
- Reasons of the Subacute septic endocarditis
- Treatment of the Subacute septic endocarditis
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Subacute septic endocarditis (new lat. endocarditis; from other - Greek — inside, — heart, + itis) — a subacute inflammation of an internal cover of heart — an endocardium.
Symptoms of the Subacute septic endocarditis:
Basis of a disease is the subacute sepsis in most cases caused stafilo-or a streptococcus, an essential role in a pathogeny of a disease is played by disturbances of an immune condition of an organism.
The clinical picture at the beginning of a disease is generally shown by symptoms of sepsis. Are characteristic high fever with oznoba and perspiration; heavy intoxication with a headache, block, increase in a liver and spleen, hemorrhage on skin, mucous membranes, on an eyeground, formation of small painful small knots on the palmar surface of fingers of hands. Bacterial embolisms in various bodies with formation of the suppurative metastatic focuses are observed. Laboratory reveal anemia, a leukocytosis, increase in SOE. The first signs of damage of heart are tachycardia and muting of cordial tones. Point change of the existing noise of heart or sudden emergence to actually endocarditis new owing to a valvulitis, a perforation of a shutter of the valve or a rupture of tendinous thread. Localization and the nature of noise allow to define a type of the forming heart disease. At considerable disturbance of an endocardiac hemodynamics symptoms of quickly accruing heart failure appear.

Subacute septic endocarditis (macrodrug)
Reasons of the Subacute septic endocarditis:
The subacute bacterial endocarditis (long septic endocarditis) develops against the background of earlier acquired or inborn heart disease more often, intact valves are surprised less often.
Treatment of the Subacute septic endocarditis:
Treatment of a disease is similar to treatment of other forms of a bacterial endocarditis. At a subacute septic endocarditis from the very beginning use high doses of sodium salt of benzylpenicillin (to 60 — 80 million PIECES/days) or semi-synthetic penicillin (Oxacillinum, Methicillinum, etc.) or cephalosporins intravenously and (or) intramusculary in combination with gentamycin. If the disease is caused by staphylococcus, then the semi-synthetic penicillin steady against a penicillinase have advantage. At intolerance of penicillin Vancomycinum is shown. Prosthetics (replacement) of the damaged valve is effective.