
Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: M01AX25
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 100 mg of chondroitin of sulfate in 1 ml of solution.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The main active ingredients of drug — sodium salts of chondroitin of sulfate A and C (average molecular weight 11000 дальтон). Chondroitin sulfate — high-molecular mucopolysaccharide. Is the main component of the proteoglycans making a cartilaginous matrix together with collagenic fibers.
Drug slows down process of a degeneration and stimulates regeneration of cartilaginous tissue, has hondroprotektivny, antiinflammatory, analgeziruyushchy effect. Replaces хондроитинсульфат a joint cartilage, catabolized by pathological process. Suppresses activity of the enzymes causing degradation of a joint cartilage: inhibits metalproteinases, in particular, leukocytic elastase.
Reduces activity of hyaluronidase. Partially blocks emission of free oxygen radicals; promotes blocking of a chemotaxis, antigenic determinants. Stimulates development with chondrocytes of proteoglycans. Exerts impact on phosphorus-calcium exchange in cartilaginous tissue. Allows to recover mechanical and elastic integrity of a cartilaginous matrix. Antiinflammatory and analgeziruyushchy effects are reached thanks to decrease in emission in synovial fluid of mediators of an inflammation and painful factors through sinoviotsita and macrophages of a synovial membrane, and also owing to suppression of secretion of B4 leukotriene and E2 prostaglandin.
Use of drug promotes recovery of a joint bag and the cartilaginous surfaces of joints, interferes with compression of connecting fabric, carries out a role of lubricant of joint surfaces, normalizes products of joint liquid, improves mobility of joints, promotes reduction of intensity of pain, improves quality of life.
Chondroitin sulfate slows down a resorption of a bone tissue and reduces calcium losses, accelerates processes of recovery of a bone tissue.
Pharmacokinetics. After intramuscular administration of chondroitin sulfate gets into synovial fluid. The maximum concentration in synovial fluid is reached in 4 — 5 hours after an injection. Eliminiruyetsya preferential is brought by kidneys out of an organism during 24 h.
Indications to use:
Degenerative diseases of joints and backbone: primary arthrosis, intervertebral osteochondrosis.
Route of administration and doses:
The drug is administered intramusculary on 1 ml every other day. At good tolerance the dose is increased to 2 ml, since the fourth injection. A course of treatment — 25 — 35 injections. Repeated courses — in 6 months.
The issue of purpose of drug to children is resolved by the doctor individually depending on a clinical situation.
Features of use:
Achievement of stable clinical effect requires not less than 25 injections of Chondroitin of sulfate, however the effect remains is long within many months after the termination of a course of treatment. For the prevention of aggravations repeated courses of treatment are shown.
Side effects:
At administration of drug allergic reactions, hemorrhages in the place of an injection are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
At the combined use with Chondroitin non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs sulfate allows to lower NPVS dose.
The increased individual sensitivity to any of drug components, tendency to bleeding, thrombophlebitises, pregnancy, a lactation (for the period of treatment feeding by a breast should be stopped).
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for injections in ampoules of 1 ml and 2 ml in packaging No. 10.