Синокром® pass

Producer: CJSC Pharmfirma Soteks Russia
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
1 ml Sinokr minisoderzhit 10 mg a gialuronatanatriya, and also sodium chloride, sodium phosphate monohydrate, citric acid and water for injections.
Description: % C1 solution of hyaluronic acid of 1,0 ml. in syringes for intra joint introduction.
Pharmacological properties:
For treatment of small joints, including joints of brushes and feet, elbow, temporal and mandibular, facet joints. Effectively reduces pain, increases the volume of movements in a joint, reduces the need for NPVP, the New form of traditional Sinokrom Molecular weight – 1,6 million Dalton postpones the prosthetics time.
Indications to use:
Pains and restriction of mobility as a result of degenerative or traumatic changes in the joints containing synovial fluid.
Sinokr минипоказан for treatment of the joints containing a small amount of synovial fluid.
Properties and efficiency
All synovial joints contain viscoelastic hyalrunate of sodium.
At degenerative diseases of joints (osteoarthrosis) viscoelasticity of synovial fluid considerably decreases therefore mechanical load of a joint increases and destruction of a joint cartilage amplifies (it is shown by restriction and oxycinesias in joints).
High-quality improvement of synovial fluid can be provided by intra joint use of hyalrunate of sodium of high extent of cleaning (with very good viscoelastic properties).
The greasing and shock-absorbing effects of this drug alleviate pains and improve mobility of a joint. These effects proceed more than 6 months after one course of treatment.
Route of administration and doses:
Injections of drug are made by specialists doctors in aseptic conditions.
The ready syringe is taken from a sterile case, the rubber cap is removed from the adapter of system of Lyuer small turn then the corresponding sterile needle which is fixed by also small turn is put on.
The needle for an injection is not included in the package of delivery.
Sinokr pass it is entered into a joint from 3 to 5 times at an interval of one week. Perhaps simultaneous treatment of several joints.
The course of treatment from 5 injections can be effective more than 6 months (depending on severity of a disease). Repeated courses of treatment are allowed.
Features of use:
Sinokr pass it is intended only for intra joint introduction.
Use by Sinokr pass it was not investigated at pregnant women and at children 18 years are younger.
Sinokr minisledut to store in the place unavailable to children.
Sinokr pass it is intended only for disposable. Repeated sterilization is not allowed.
Not to use the syringe from the opened and/or damaged sterile packaging.
Not to use the syringe with the opened or damaged cap of the sterile syringe.
Not to apply after a period of validity.
Side effects:
At patients primenyayushchikhsinokry minivozmozhno emergence of local symptoms (pain, feeling of heat, reddening and puffiness).
In order to avoid such manifestations it is recommended to put within 5-10 minutes to a joint a bubble with ice.
In case of the expressed manifestations which are followed by severe pain, solution has to be removed from an affected joint.
Interaction with other medicines:
There is no information on incompatibility Sinokr now pass with other solutions for intra joint introduction.
The Sinokry myungin it can be applied at patients with hypersensitivity to one of drug components.
In view of intra joint administration of drug by the patient with bacterial arthritis it is necessary to refrain from treatment by this drug in order to avoid possible complications.
The attending physician has to be informed on all immunological and other possible effects of use of biological drugs.
Storage conditions:
Sinokr pass it is necessary to store at the room temperature (about 25 °C/77 of F) and to protect from action of low temperatures and humidity.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
By Sinokr it minipostavlyatsya in sterilely the packed one-time syringes containing 1 ml of drug.
One syringe, ready to use, by Sinokr pass contains 10 mg / 1 sodium hyalrunate ml.
Packaging: 1 syringe, ready to use.