
Producer: CJSC Pharmfirma Soteks Russia
Release form:
General characteristics. Structure:
1 syringe (2 ml) Sinokrom® contains in quality of the main substance 20 mg of hyalrunate of sodium with a molecular weight ~ 1,6 million Dalton,
excipients: sodium chloride, sodium моногидрогенфосфат, citric acid, water for injections.
Description: Синокром® aqueous solution of hyalrunate of sodium with a molecular weight ~ 1,6 million Dalton in syringes on 2 ml ready to the use represents sterile 1%. Way of sterilization: sterilization is made in packaging, ready to the use, (syringe) by steam of high pressure.
Pharmacological properties:
All synovial joints contain viscoelastic hyalrunate of sodium. This substance has the greasing and shock-absorbing properties which provide the normal, painless movement of these joints. At degenerative diseases (osteoarthrosis) or posttraumatic changes in joints viscoelasticity of synovial fluid considerably decreases therefore mechanical load of a joint increases and destruction of a joint cartilage amplifies (it is shown by restriction and oxycinesias in joints).
Intra joint administration of high cleaning hyalrunate of sodium with the optimized viscoelastic properties, allows to improve quality of lubricant of a joint.
The greasing and shock-absorbing properties of this drug allow to reduce pain and to increase mobility of a joint.
After carrying out the course of treatment consisting of five intra joint injections, this effect can remain within several months.
Indications to use:
Pains and limited mobility as a result of degenerative or posttraumatic changes in the joints containing synovial fluid.
Route of administration and doses:
Injections of drug are made by specialists doctors in aseptic conditions. The ready syringe is taken from a sterile case, the rubber cap is removed from the adapter of system of Lyuer small turn then the corresponding sterile needle which is fixed by also small turn is put on (the needle for an injection is not included in the package of delivery).
The injection site is processed by the disinfecting substance containing alcohol. The drug Sinokrom® is administered precisely in a joint cavity by standard techniques, considering anatomic features.
Administration of drug in a cavity of a joint has to be stopped at emergence of pain during an injection. Drug unused up to the end is not subject to storage.
The course of treatment of Sinokrom® makes 3-5 injections at an interval of one week between introductions. Perhaps simultaneous treatment of several joints.
The course of treatment from 5 injections can be effective more months (depending on severity of a disease).
Repeated courses of treatment are allowed.
Features of use:
Синокром® it is intended only for intra joint introduction.
Use of Sinokrom® was not investigated at pregnant women and children 18 years are younger.
Синокром® it is necessary to store in the place unavailable to children.
Синокром® it is intended only for disposable. Repeated sterilization is not allowed.
Not to use the syringe from the opened and/or damaged sterile packaging.
Not to use the syringe with the opened or damaged cap of the sterile syringe.
Not to apply after a period of validity.
Side effects:
At patients of applying Sinokrom®, in extremely exceptional cases manifestation of local symptoms (pain, feeling of heat, reddening and puffiness, increase in content of exudate in a joint cavity) is possible.
In order to avoid such manifestations or at their emergence it is recommended to unload the affected joint and within 5-10 minutes to put to a joint a bubble with ice. In case of the expressed manifestations which are followed by severe pain, solution has to be removed from an affected joint.
Isolated cases of allergic reactions (itch, rash, urticaria) and anaphylactic reactions are celebrated.
Interaction with other medicines:
There is no information on incompatibility of Sinokrom® with other solutions for intra joint introduction now.
It is not necessary to apply the disinfectants containing salts of quarternary ammonium as hyaluronic acid is besieged in the presence of these substances.
Синокром® it cannot be applied at patients with hypersensitivity to one of drug components.
In view of intra joint administration of drug patients with bacterial arthritis should refrain from treatment by this drug in order to avoid possible complications. The attending physician has to be informed on all immunological and other possible effects of use of biological drugs.
Storage conditions:
Синокром® to store at a temperature not above 25 °C. Not to freeze! Period of validity: 3 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
The prosthesis of Sinokrom® synovial fluid (Synocrom®), is delivered in sterilely the packed one-time syringes on 2 ml.
The needle for an injection is not included in the package of delivery.
Packaging: 1 syringe, ready to use.