
Producer: CJSC Verteks Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: M09AX
Pharm group: a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=36 \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=36%27" tppabs="medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=36">Other drugs for treatment of diseases of a musculoskeletal system
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Cream.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients:
Wormwood extract propilenglikolevy - 2%
Ginger essential oil - 0,05%
Castor oil - 6,5%
CO 2 — dogrose extract - 0,3%
Bisabolol - 0,1%
Arnica extract propilenglikolevy - 1%
D-panthenol - 1%
CO 2 — calendula extract - 0,1%
Warming and distracting:
Extract of siliculose pepper - 0,3%
Yellow beeswax - 0,7%
Camphor - 0,25%
Soy oil - 1,5%
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. HONDREKS® cream promotes elimination of pain and removal of symptoms of an inflammation at diseases of joints and a backbone, rheumatism, radiculitis, bruises and stretchings. Cream is developed on the basis of natural vegetable components, essential oils and natural compounds. The concentration of the components which are a part of cream specially picked up on the basis of researches provide efficiency of means. By production of cream the special high-tech methods of processing of vegetable medicinal raw materials allowing to extract carefully and most fully active ingredients were used.
- kills pain, eliminates an inflammation
- stimulates blood circulation, has the warming effect
- improves mobility of joints
The anesthetizing action | Propilenglikolevy extract of a wormwood | Infusions of a wormwood were long since applied to anesthesia at radiculitises. The special method of extraction allows to keep valuable active ingredient хамазулен. |
Essential oil of ginger | It is used for treatment of a lumbosacral pain syndrome. | |
Castor oil | Possesses soothing and antiinflammatory action at arthroses. | |
Antiinflammatory action | CO 2 — dogrose extract | The method of extraction provides preservation of lipidic connections and vitamins with which the dogrose is rich. |
Bisabolol | Bisabolol — active ingredient of a camomile pharmaceutical, has the expressed antiinflammatory effect | |
Arnica extract |
Possesses not only antiinflammatory action, but also strengthens blood circulation, promotes removal of pain. In traditional medicine it is applied in compresses at stretchings, rheumatism. | |
D-panthenol | Possesses the regenerating action | |
CO 2 — calendula extract | The method of extraction allows to keep valuable active ingredient фарадиол — monoester which on antiinflammatory action does not concede even to synthetic connections. | |
The warming, distracting action | Extract of siliculose pepper | It is used as grinding at an ache and rheumatism |
Yellow beeswax | It is effective at rheumatic and muscular pains | |
Camphor |
The warming action, is used at arthritises, mialgiya, rheumatism. |
Indications to use:
- Inflammatory diseases of joint fabric;
- Rheumatic and radikulitny pains;
- Injuries: bruises, dislocations, stretchings
Route of administration and doses:
The easy movements to rub to the area of the inflamed joint or a problem body part 1-3 times a day. After drawing to wash up hands warm water.
Cream is convenient in use: thanks to easy texture it is quickly absorbed, without leaving a greasy luster.
Individual intolerance of components. It is not necessary to apply on open wounds, grazes, cuts, to avoid hit on mucous.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature from 5 °C up to 25 ºС. Period of validity 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 50 g of gel in plastic tubas, on 1 tuba in a cardboard pack.