Prevention of thrombophlebitis
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Any person has to know that thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of the lower extremities is a complication of the diseases resulting in chronic venous insufficiency. At emergence of the first symptoms of trouble from venous system (popedemas and shins by the end of day, feeling of weight in legs, spasms of gastrocnemius muscles, emergence of the veins expanded in the form of nodes which accurately konturirut in vertical position) the patient has to see a doctor. The patient has to realize: if the disease is revealed at an early stage, then it can be cured without operation or with use of the minimum surgical intervention. Therefore the earlier he will see a doctor, the results of treatment of chronic venous insufficiency will be better and more reliable that will prevent development of a varikotromboflebit. The way of life of the person is of great importance. It is known that at the people leading a mobile life, the varicosis arises no more than in 10% of cases. If to carry out the most part of operating and free time sitting, this disease develops in 25-30%. Persons whose professional activity assumes long motionless stay in a standing position are subject to the greatest danger. The varicosis affects 65% from them. That is why even emergence of signs of chronic venous insufficiency should not lead to decrease in physical activity of the patient. On the contrary, and initial their proyavleniyoyam are necessary for people with high risk of diseases of venous system of the lower extremities long foot walks, special gymnastics (it is possible to do any exercises in a sitting position and lying). Some sports, such as swimming, run, driving the bicycle are useful and desirable. It is necessary to warn patients against a raising of considerable weights, sports occupations connected with risk of traumatizing legs. It is desirable to avoid the close, fitting clothes and tight footwear on a high heel. Thermal procedures are also undesirable to patients with the expressed symptoms of venous insufficiency (a bath, a sauna, long stay in the sun or in a sunbed).
Risk factor of development of chronic diseases of veins and the varikotromboflebita serves obesity therefore control of body weight is very important. The daily diet of patients with chronic venous insufficiency has to include the large number of fresh vegetables and fruit, products rich with cellulose. It is necessary to limit the use of hot, fat and salty dishes as they can aggravate an edematous syndrome.
Predisposition to developing of a varicosis, the working conditions promoting it and also emergence of symptoms of a disease form the sufficient basis for performing compression therapy, it is represented in the most reliable and available way of correction of venous outflow and work of a muscular and venous pomp of a shin. It is possible to use elastic rollers or medical jersey (golfs. stockings or tights). Correctly created elastic bandage and adequately picked up compression jersey prevent stretching of superficial veins and accelerate a blood stream on deep venous system.
The easiest way of an elastic compression is bandaging of legs. At the same time use bandage of average and short distensibility. Imposing of a compression bandage needs to be carried out in the morning before the patient got up. The doctor has to train the patient in technical features of this procedure. Bandage begins to be imposed with foot, at the basis of fingers at once, then reel up it on a spiral so that each subsequent round closed previous on 2/3 width of bandage. It is especially important that the heel was densely bandaged - for this purpose use the gamachka equipment. It is necessary to inform the patient that bandage has to put the maximum stretching and, respectively, pressure on foot and in anklebones, gradually they should be reduced towards a hip.
Convenient for the patient and the most adequate from the point of view of normalization of venous outflow from the lower extremities, undoubtedly, use of special compression jersey is. With its help pressure fixed, graduated, gradually decreasing from the periphery to the center is created. The task of the doctor consists in the recommendation of necessary type of a product (golfs, stockings or tights) and a compression class. The patient has to pick up a product strictly for the sizes and regularly use it. Now in the Russian market there is a sufficient choice of quality medical jersey with the broad price range. For prevention of progressing of chronic venous insufficiency and development of a varikotromboflebit it is reasonable to resort to pharmacotherapy. The patient needs to know that drug treatment solves several problems: increase in a tone of a venous wall, improvement of microcirculation and lymph drainage, stopping of an inflammation, correction of disturbances of fluid properties of blood.
And at last, in cases of valve insufficiency of hypodermic venous trunks and perforantny veins it is necessary to convince patients of need of timely surgical intervention. They have to understand that correctly executed operation protects them from emergence of a varikotromboflebit and the related dangers.

Clinical displays of thrombophlebitis