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Thrombocytopenia — the state which is characterized by decrease in quantity of thrombocytes is lower 150×109/л that is followed by the raised bleeding and problems with a stop of bleedings. As the state can accompany practically any hematologic diseases. As an independent disease it is diagnosed as a Werlhof's disease autoimmune (not always) or Verlgof's disease.

Thrombocytopenia symptoms:

Spontaneous emergence of bruises on extremities and on a body, noticeable increase in time of a stop of bleedings. Increase of nasal bleedings and emergence of bleedings from mucous a mouth. Results of clinical blood test show from 0 to 50×109. thrombocytes/l at norm 150 — 320. The caption on antibodies to thrombocytes can show exceeding many times from norm 200. The hospitalization border on different sources is lower 20×109/л. From 20 to 50 out-patient treatment is admissible. Separate sources consider safe border 30. The general state, as a rule, does not cause special negative feelings at the patient and is deceptive as it is fraught with internal bleedings of any bodies, and also a hematencephalon. Any exercise stresses are categorically contraindicated and restriction of any vital activity in general is necessary.

Thrombocytopenia reasons:

Main reasons: disturbance of products of thrombocytes and/or the increased destruction of thrombocytes. Most often autoimmune thrombocytopenia meets. Are called idiopathic thrombocytopenia which origin is not established. Especially distinguish from the possible reasons epidemiological and infectious: HIV, hepatitises, complications on acute displays of a gerpesovy infection, an infectious mononucleosis, catarrhal diseases, flu; caused by exogenous factors, including medicines.

Treatment of Thrombocytopenia:

The patient has to undergo without fail inspection at the hematologist. As a rule the reason to reveal or it is not possible or reason per se has no value any more except information as demands treatment or thrombocytopenia or a disease which it accompanies. The main symptomatic treatment — Prednisolonum — hormonal drug of a class of steroids with a mass of by-effects. The main — sharp increase in body weight, a conclusion of potassium and magnesium, negative impact (before emergence of hemorrhagic gastritises) on mucous a stomach at oral administration. Basic procedures of inspections: full and regular range of blood tests against the background of reception of kortikoid, including infectious and rheumatological tests, DNA tests and antibodies, an ECG, ultrasonography, X-ray, endoscopy (according to indications). The basis of clinical treatment generally depends on protocols of treatment of a basic disease. For AITP and Verlgof's disease the best result is yielded by removal of a spleen (splenectomy) — according to different data to 80% of success. At inefficiency of a splenectomy apply chemotherapy Vinca alkaloids (Vincristinum). There are, also, protocols of treatment by immunoglobulins of the person (Gamimun of N). The successful statistics is available, but in open access is absent. In some cases even before purpose of hormonal drugs hematologists practice a plasma exchange. Results encourage.

Average general time of inspection, decision-making and possible end of treatment makes 2-6 months without the subsequent dispensary observation. At Prednisolonum cancellation, especially after a long course or intramuscular / венного introductions, in a leak. from 2-3 days to one weeks so-called "withdrawal" is observed: headaches, tachycardia, raised by the ABP, fever, anorexia, sleep disorders as towards drowsiness and sleeplessnesses, mental disorders. Therapy is symptomatic: Nospanum, valocordin, anesthetics, paracetamol and dream.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Thrombocytopenia:

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