
Producer: LLC NPP Pharmaklon Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: L03AB05
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 500 000 ME, 1 000 000 ME, 3 000 000 ME, 5 000 000 ME of interferon alpha 2b.
Excipients: Polyglucinum, sodium chloride, sodium phosphate monosubstituted 2-water, sodium phosphate disubstituted.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Has anti-virus, antineoplastic, immunomodulatory activity. Alfarona at parenteral administration is exposed to disintegration, is partially brought in an invariable look, mainly through kidneys.
Drug, as well as all interferona, can lead to emergence of antibodies to interferon and, as a result, to decrease in medical effect of drug.
Indications to use:
In complex therapy at adults:
- at an acute viral hepatitis In - medium-weight and severe forms at the beginning of the icteric period till 5th day of jaundice (in later terms purpose of drug is less effective, it is not effective at the developing hepatic coma and the cholestatic course of a disease);
- at acute long hepatitis B, chronic active hepatitis B and D without symptoms of cirrhosis and at emergence of symptoms of cirrhosis;
- at a chronic viral hepatitis With;
- at virus (influenzal, adenoviral, enteroviral, herpetic, parotitis), virus and bacterial and mycoplasmal meningoentsefalita. Use of drug is most effective in the first 4 days of a disease;
- at viral conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivites, a keratitis, keratouveita;
- at cancer of a kidney of the IV stage, a hairy cell leukosis, malignant lymphoma of skin (fungoid mycosis, primary reticulosis), Kaposha's sarcoma, a basal and cellular and planocellular carcinoma cutaneum, a keratoacanthoma, a myelosis, a histiocytosis - X, a subleukemic myelosis, essential thrombocytopenia;
- at multiple sclerosis.
In complex therapy at children:
- at an acute lymphoblastoid leukosis in the remission period after the termination of inductive chemotherapy (for 4-5 months of remission);
- at a respiratory papillomatosis of a throat, since next day after removal of papillomas.
Route of administration and doses:
Intramusculary, subcutaneously, in the center or under the defeat center, subkonjyunktivalno or locally. Just before use contents of a bottle are parted with water for injections (1 000 000 at intramuscular introduction and introduction to the center, 5 000 000 at subconjunctival and local introduction). Solution of drug has to be transparent, without foreign inclusions. Time of dissolution should not exceed 4 min. Divorced drug is not subject to storage.
Intramuscular and hypodermic introduction. At an acute hepatitis In enter 1 000 000 ME 2 times a day within 5-6 days, then reduce a dose to 1 000 000 ME a day and enter within 5 days. If necessary (after control biochemical blood analyses) the course of treatment can be continued on 1 000 000 ME 2 times a week within 2 weeks. The course dose makes 15 000 000 - 21 000 000 ME.
At acute long and chronic active hepatitis B at an exception of a delta infection and without symptoms of cirrhosis enter 1 000 000 ME 2 times a week within 1-2 months. In the absence of effect treatment is prolonged up to 3-6 months or after the end 1-2 of monthly treatment conduct 2-3 similar courses with an interval of 1-6 months.
At chronic active hepatitis D without symptoms of cirrhosis the drug is administered on 500 000 - 1 000 000 ME a day by 2 times a week within 1 month. A repeated course of treatment in 1-6 months.
At chronic active hepatitises B and D with symptoms of cirrhosis on 250 000 - 500 000 ME a day 2 times a week within 1 month. At emergence of signs of a decompensation conduct similar repeated courses with an interval not to exchange of 2 months. At a chronic viral hepatitis With; adults - on 3 000 000 ME in oil or п / to 3 times a week within 9 months. Children - 3 000 000 ME/kv.m (the maximum dose - 3 000 000 ME) 3 times a week within 9 months.
At cancer of a kidney apply 3 000 000 ME daily within 10 days. (3-9 and more) carry out repeated courses of treatment at an interval of 3 weeks. Total quantity of drug makes from 120 000 000 ME to 300 000 000 ME and more.
At a hairy cell leukosis the drug is administered daily on 3 000 000 - 6 000 000 ME within 2 months. After normalization of a gemogramma the daily dose is reduced to 1 000 000 - 2 000 000 ME. Then appoint a maintenance therapy on 3 000 000 ME 2 times a week within 6-7 weeks. Total quantity of drug makes 420 000 000 - 600 000 000 ME and more.
At an acute lymphoblastoid leukosis at children in the remission period after the termination of inductive chemotherapy (for 4-5 months of remission) on 1 000 000 ME once a week within 6 months, then 1 times in 2 weeks within 24 months. At the same time carry out the supporting chemotherapy.
At a myelosis on 3 000 000 ME daily or on 6 000 000 ME every other day. The term of treatment is from 10 weeks to 6 meyaets.
At a histiocytosis - X on 3 000 000 ME daily within 1 month. Repeated courses with 1-2 monthly intervals within 1-3 years.
At a subleukemic myelosis and essential thrombocytopenia for correction of a hyperthrombocytosis on 1 000 000 ME daily or in 1 days within 20 days.
At malignant lymphoma and Kaposha's sarcoma enter 3 000 000 ME a day daily within 10 days in combination with cytostatics (Prospidinum, Cyclophosphanum) and glucocorticosteroids. At a tumoral stage of fungoid mycosis and a reticulum cell sarcomatosis it is reasonable to alternate intramuscular administration of drug on 3 000 000 ME and intra focal on 2 000 000 ME within 10 days.
At patients with an erythrodermic stage of fungoid mycosis at temperature increase from above 39ºС and in case of a process aggravation administration of drug should be stopped. At insufficient therapeutic effect in 10-14 days appoint a repeated course of treatment. After achievement of clinical effect appoint a maintenance therapy on 3 000 000 ME within 6-7 weeks once a week.
At a respiratory papillomatosis of a throat the drug is administered on 100 000 - 150 000 ME on 1 kg of body weight daily within 45-50 days, then in the same dosage by 3 times a week within 1 month. The second and third courses are conducted at an interval of 2-6 months.
At multiple sclerosis appoint 1 000 000 ME: at a pyramidal syndrome 3 times a day, at a cerebellar syndrome 1-3 times a day within 10 days with the subsequent introduction on 1 000 000 ME once a week within 5-6 months. Total quantity of drug makes 50 000 000 - 60 000 000 ME.
At persons with high pyrogenic reaction (39 °C and above) on administration of drug simultaneous use of indometacin is recommended.
Perifocal introduction. At basal and cellular and planocellular cancer, a keratoacanthoma enter under the defeat center 1 000 000 ME of 1 times a day daily within 10 days. In case of the expressed local inflammatory reactions introduction under the center of defeat is carried out in 1-2 days. Upon termination of a course, if necessary, carry out a cryolysis.
Subkonyyunktivaljny introduction. At a stromal keratitis and keratoiridotsiklita appoint subconjunctival injections in a dose of 60 000 ME of 0,5 ml daily or every other day depending on weight of process. Injections carry out under local anesthesia 0,5% Dicainum solution. Course of treatment from 15 to 25 injections.
Topical administration. For topical administration contents of a bottle dissolve in 5 ml 0,9% of solution of sodium of chloride for injections. In case of storage of solution of drug it is necessary, following rules of an asepsis and antiseptics, to transfer bottle contents to a sterile bottle and to store solution in the refrigerator at a temperature 4-10ºС no more than 12 hours.
At conjunctivitis and a superficial keratitis apply 2 drops of 6-8 times a day on a conjunctiva of the affected eye. In process of disappearance of the inflammatory phenomena number of instillations reduce to 3-4. A course of treatment - 2 weeks.
Side effects:
At parenteral administration the fever, temperature increase, fatigue, skin rashes and an itch are possible, and also leucio-and thrombocytopenia, in case of the last performing blood test 2-3 times a week is necessary. At a defeat center obkalyvaniye - local inflammatory reaction. These by-effects usually are not an obstacle for drug use continuation.
At topical administration on a mucous membrane of an eye the conjunctival infection, a hyperemia mucous eyes, single follicles, a chemosis of the lower arch is possible. At sharply expressed local and general side reactions administration of drug should be stopped.
Severe forms of allergic diseases; pregnancy.
Storage conditions:
To store in dry, protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 10 °C. A period of validity - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for injections and topical administration in bottles on 500 000 ME, 1 000 000 ME, 3 000 000 ME, 5 000 000 ME. On 1, 5 or 10 bottles of drug with the application instruction place in a pack from a cardboard or 5 or 10 bottles of drug in a blister strip packaging or in cassette planimetric packaging with the application instruction place in a pack from a cardboard.