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Adenoviral conjunctivitis


Adenoviral conjunctivitis - a highly infectious infectious disease of a mucous membrane of eyes.

Symptoms of Adenoviral conjunctivitis:

Incubation interval - 7-8 days. The disease begins with the expressed nasopharyngitis and fervescence. On the second wave of temperature increase there are conjunctivitis symptoms at first on one eye, and in 2-3 days - on another. Eyelids swell. Mucous an eye reddens. There is a scanty transparent mucous discharge. Regional lymph nodes increase. Sensitivity of a cornea is reduced.

Three forms of adenoviral conjunctivitis meet:
• At a catarral form of adenoviral conjunctivitis of the phenomenon of an inflammation are expressed slightly. Reddening is small, quantity separated too. The current is easy. Disease duration up to one week.
• In 25% of cases the filmy form of an adenoviral konjyuktivit meets. At this form on a mucous membrane of an eye thin films, grayish-white color which can be removed easily a cotton plug are formed. Sometimes films can be densely soldered to a conjunctiva, under them the bleeding surface is bared. In this case it is necessary to conduct examination on diphtheria. After disappearance of films usually there is no trace left, but not rough hems can sometimes appear. In a conjunctiva there can also be dot hemorrhage and infiltrates (consolidations) which after recovery completely resolve.
• At a follicular form of adenoviral conjunctivitis on a mucous membrane of an eye there are small bubbles, sometimes they happen large.

As showed numerous researches of the last years, a serious consequence of adenoviral defeat of an organ of sight is development of a syndrome of a dry eye in connection with disturbance of products of the lacrimal liquid.

Reasons of Adenoviral conjunctivitis:

The main most frequent causative agents of adenoviral conjunctivitis are adenoviruses 3, 4, 6, 7, 7a, 10, 11. As show numerous researches, serotypes 3,7a, 11 usually come to light at epidemic flashes, serotypes 4, 6, 7, 10 - in cases of sporadic diseases.

The outbreaks of adenoviral conjunctivitis are observed during the spring and autumn period, most often in children's collectives. At first there are at the sick child cold, a headache, cough, a pharyngalgia, weakness, a fever, an abdominal pain, temperature increases. Then the mucous membrane of eyes inflames, conjunctivitis develops, but it proceeds easier, than at adults. The cornea is involved in process seldom. Visual acuity does not decrease.

Treatment of Adenoviral conjunctivitis:

Treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis is accompanied by some difficulties as there are no means of the selection impact on adenoviruses. Use drugs of broad antiviral action: interferona (interferon, лаферон) or inductors of interferon, carry out instillations of 6-8 times a day on the first week of treatment and reduce quantity of instillations to 2-3 times a day on the second week. It is also reasonable to add antibacterial drops for the prevention of development of consecutive infection. Antihistaminic (antiallergic) drugs are accepted throughout all term of a disease. For the prevention of the complications connected with development of a syndrome of a dry eye use artificial substitutes of a tear (офтагель, систейн, видисик).

Solution of interferon of 6-8 times a day (prepares from powder before use every day), 0,1% a deoxyribonuclease of 4-5 times a day. Solution of Poludanum of 4-5 times a day. Pyrogenal of 6 times a day in the first days of a disease, then, 2-3 times a day. Ointments of 0,25-0,5% tebrofenovy, florenalevy, bonaftonovy 2-4 once a day. For prevention of a consecutive microbic infection add solutions of antibiotics, streptocides.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Adenoviral conjunctivitis:

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