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Adenoviral infection


Adenoviruses represent group of viruses which affect a respiratory organs, eyes, intestines and uric ways. About 10% of acute respiratory infections at children fall to their share, and also they are the frequent reason of diarrhea.
Babies and small children get sick with an adenoviral infection most often. In kindergartens  and schools sometimes there are outbreaks of respiratory infections and the diarrheas caused by adenovirus.

Reasons of the Adenoviral infection:

Adenoviruses which cause respiratory and intestinal infections, are transmitted from the person to the person through respiratory tracts at cough and sneezing, and also because of fecal pollution. Excrements can spread through the contaminated water, food at bad washing of hands (for example, after visit of a toilet, before food or cooking, or after processing of dirty diapers).
Children can also catch a virus, holding hands or exchanging toys with the infected person. Adenovirus can survive on a surface for a long time.
Some types of adenoviruses cause conjunctivitis, being transmitted through water (in lakes and pools), by use of the contaminated objects (for example, towels or toys), or at handshake.
The adenoviral infection  can catch at all seasons of the year and at any age, but:
- most often cases of an adenoviral infection are registered at the end of winter, in the spring and at the beginning of summer;
- the conjunctivitis and pharyngitis caused by adenovirus in most cases develops at adults and children of advanced age;
- the adenoviral infection is a problem, first of all, of children of younger age.  As there are many various types of adenoviruses, some children are ill repeatedly.

Symptoms of the Adenoviral infection:

The first symptoms of an adenoviral infection can be shown during the period from 2 days to 2 weeks after infection. Depending on what part of a body is struck, signs and symptoms of an adenoviral infection are various.
Inflammatory respiratory diseases are the most widespread displays of an adenoviral infection. The disease is often shown by grippopodobny symptoms and can include pharyngitis symptoms (a throat inflammation, or a pharyngalgia), rhinitis (an inflammation of nasal covers, cold), cough, a hyperadenosis. Sometimes the respiratory infection leads to acute average otitis.
Adenovirus often influences lower parts of respiratory tracts, causing a bronchiolitis, a croup or viral pneumonia which meets less often, but can cause serious complications.  Adenovirus also leads to dry, sharp cough which sometimes reminds whooping cough.
The gastroenteritis is an inflammation of a stomach, and also  thin department of intestines. The gastroenteritis can become a symptom of an adenoviral infection. Symptoms of a gastroenteritis include watery diarrhea, vomiting, a headache, fever and an abdominal pain.
The frequent urination, burning, pain and emergence of blood in urine can cause infections of uric ways. Adenoviruses to cause hemorrhagic cystitis which is characterized by emergence of blood in urine.
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of a conjunctiva and dacryagogue, and feeling of "sand" in an eye is shown by reddening, allocations from an eye.
The keratoconjunctivitis is heavier infection which includes defeat of a conjunctiva and cornea (transparent front part of an eye) of both eyes. This type of an adenoviral infection is extremely infectious and is observed most often at the senior children and adults, causing reddening of eyes, a photophobia (discomfort in eyes at light influence), a sight illegibility, dacryagogue, pain.
The majority of cases of an adenoviral infection last from several days to one week. Nevertheless:
- heavy respiratory infections can longer last and be followed by long cough;
- pneumonia can last up to 2-4 weeks;
- conjunctivitis can remain about one week;
- in more hard cases the keratoconjunctivitis can last up to several weeks;
- adenoviruses can cause diarrhea which lasts up to 2 weeks (longer, than other episodes of viral diarrhea).

Двусторонняя пневмония, вызванная аденовирусной инфекцией

The bilateral pneumonia caused by an adenoviral infection

Гистологические изменения стенки тонкой кишки при аденовирусной инфекции

Histologic changes of a wall of a small bowel at an adenoviral infection

Treatment of the Adenoviral infection:

Adenoviral diseases often remind some bacterial infections which it is possible to treat by means of antibiotics. But antibiotics do not work against viruses. Diagnosis of actual reasons of a disease is so important to appoint right treatment.
Adenoviral infections, as a rule, do not demand hospitalization. Nevertheless, babies and small children cannot drink enough liquid to replace that volume which is lost during vomiting or diarrhea. Therefore at dehydration hospitalization is necessary. Besides, children and pneumonia are subject to obligatory hospitalization.
For the patient it is important to observe a bed rest and to drink enough liquid. The room should be aired often, and air has to be rather moistened. If the adenoviral infection infected the child aged up to 6 months, it is necessary to clear his nose saline solution.
Perhaps use  of acetaminophen, however, it is not necessary to apply aspirin because of risk of development of a syndrome of Ray, the life-threatening patient to treatment of fever.
At vomiting or a diarrhea it is necessary to apply solutions to a peroral regidratation to prevent dehydration.
It is possible to facilitate conjunctivitis symptoms by means of warm compresses.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Adenoviral infection:

  • Препарат Оксолин.


    Antimicrobic drugs for external use. Antiviral drugs.

    JSC Himfarm Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Препарат Гипорамин.


    Antiviral means.

    CJSC Pharmtsentr Villar Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья