Viral hepatitis of D
- Description
- Symptoms of the Viral hepatitis of D
- Reasons of the Viral hepatitis of D
- Treatment of the Viral hepatitis of D
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see also:
- Hepatitis
- Chronic hepatitis
- Viral hepatitis of C
- Acute hepatitis
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Viral hepatitis of D - the acute or persistent viral infection from conditional group of transfusion hepatitises which is characterized by damage of a liver and proceeding in the form of coinfection or superinfection against the background of a viral hepatitis V. Sinonim - delta hepatitis.
Short historical data.
The activator opened for M. Rizetto with employees (1977) in kernels of hepatocytes during unusually heavy outbreak of serumal hepatitis in Southern Europe. At first the agent counted as one of antigenic options of a virus of a viral hepatitis of V. Vskore independent value of a new virus was proved, and he received the name of a virus D (delta).
Symptoms of the Viral hepatitis of D:
Incubation interval. It is similar to V. V, that at a viral hepatitis, coinfection cases the clinical course of a disease to similarly clinical displays of a viral hepatitis In, but with dominance of a heavy current. Fulminantny forms at coinfection arise from 5 to 30% of cases. At superinfection observe sharp weighting of a course of a viral hepatitis In with the expressed insufficiency of function of a liver and development of a large number of the chronic forms leading to bystry formation of cirrhosis.
Reasons of the Viral hepatitis of D:
The activator - the defective RNA-genomic virus of the "wandering" sort Deltavirus allocated only from the patients infected with a viral hepatitis of Century. Virions of a viral hepatitis of the D spherical shape; the genome is formed by single-stranded ring molecule RNA that the viral hepatitis of D pulls together with viroida. Its sequences have no homology with DNA of the causative agent of a viral hepatitis In, but the supercapsid of a viral hepatitis of D includes a significant amount of HBsAg of a viral hepatitis of Century. The virus D is not capable to an independent reproduction; synthesis of virus components of a viral hepatitis of D demands obligatory participation of a viral hepatitis In, in particular HBsAg. The main antigen of a viral hepatitis of D is steady against heating, effect of acids, nucleases, гликозидаз. The denaturation of protein is reached by processing by alkalis and proteases. Repeated freezing and thawing do not influence its activity.
Tank and source of the activator - the person, the patient or a virus carrier. In spread of a virus the persons with chronic forms of a viral hepatitis In who are at the same time infected with a viral hepatitis of D have major importance. In the conditions of prevalence of chronic forms of a viral hepatitis In favorable conditions and for circulation of the causative agent of a viral hepatitis of D are created. The period of contageousness of sources of an infection vaguely long, however is most dangerous by the patient during the acute period of a disease. In experimental conditions infection of the chimpanzee infected with a viral hepatitis of Century is possible.
The transfer mechanism - parenteral, with the same features, as at a viral hepatitis of V. Risk of infection is especially big for constant recipients of donor blood or its drugs, for the persons which are exposed to frequent parenteral interventions and also for the addicts entering drugs intravenously. Infection most often happens in surgical, tubercular departments, the centers of a hemodialysis. The transplacental broadcast of a viral hepatitis D from the pregnant woman to a fruit is possible. Spread of a viral hepatitis of D in families, especially among children is revealed that assumes existence of a natural way of transfer. High frequency of spread of an infection among the persons having chaotic sex (especially among homosexual male), suggests that also sexual transmission is possible.
Natural susceptibility high. All faces sore with a viral hepatitis D are susceptible to a viral hepatitis of D or being carriers of a viral hepatitis V. Naiboley development of a viral hepatitis of D in chronic HBsAg carriers is probable. The population in territories, hyper endemic on a viral hepatitis of Century is especially susceptible. Severe forms of a disease can arise even at children.
Main epidemiological signs. Are similar Century, that at viral hepatitis. About 5% of HBsAg carriers in the world (about 15 million people) are infected with a viral hepatitis of D.
On a delta and viral infection regions with high distribution of a carriage of HBsAg are endemic. In the territory of the former USSR the most struck regions are Central Asia, Moldova and Kazakhstan.

Geographical rasprostaneniye of hepatitis D
Treatment of the Viral hepatitis of D:
Actions for prevention and fight against a viral hepatitis of D carry out similar to Century, those at a viral hepatitis. The actions directed to prevention of a viral hepatitis In warn infection and virusnymgepatity D. Vaccination of risk groups against a viral hepatitis In equally is a preventive measure and for a viral hepatitis of D. Among persons from chronic VGV an infection observance of the conditions directed to prevention of infection with a viral hepatitis of D is extremely important. Use of safe blood in the epidemiological relation and its drugs, and also prevention of tool infection with a viral hepatitis of D is of exclusively great importance. Neither the vaccine, nor administration of immunoglobulin can provide the prevention of contamination of persons with a chronic viral hepatitis In infection with a viral hepatitis of D.