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Alimentary and toxic aleukia


Alimentary and toxic aleukia — food микотоксикоз, arising at the use of the food cooked from wintered in the field of the crops (millet, a buckwheat, wheat, rye, barley, etc.) infected with Fusarium sporotrichioides fungi; it is shown by stomatitis, an agranulocytosis, later — necrotic quinsy, a hemorrhagic syndrome, sepsis.

Symptoms of the Alimentary and toxic aleukia:

Two options of a current: fulminant (comes to an end letalno during 1 days) and typical (duration — 3–4 weeks). The clinic of typical option distinguishes three stages. The Intoksikatsionny syndrome arising in several hours after hit of toxins in an organism: weakness, perspiration, nausea, vomiting (stage of an acute gastroenteritis). Unpleasant feelings in a mouth, pain are characteristic when swallowing. Duration is 2–3 days. The Leykopenichesky stage — a leukopenia, a granulocytopenia at a relative lymphocytosis, thrombocytopenia, anemia; signs of damage of the central nervous system (CNS). Duration is 2–3 weeks.
Anginous and hemorrhagic stage: Intoxication phenomena reminding those at sepsis. Body temperature febrile (39–40 °C). The oppression of a hemogenesis leading to an aleukia with an agranulocytosis, anemia and thrombocytopenia, followed by a hemorrhagic syndrome (a bright red petekhialny enanthesis of extremities and a trunk, bleeding of various localization — nasal, ear, gastrointestinal, uterine). Megalgias in a drink, a fetid smell from a mouth. The progressing weakness. Lymph nodes are, as a rule, not increased.

Faringoskopiya. Changes in a drink can have the nature of catarral quinsy, but is more often — necrotic or gangrenous. Dirty-brown plaques extend from a surface of almonds to a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, a throat, a throat. The necrosis takes the subject fabrics.

Reasons of the Alimentary and toxic aleukia:

Defeats are caused by effect of toxin of a mushroom of Fusarium sporotrichioides having the expressed psychrophile properties. The temperature optimum for vegetation makes 18–27 °C; toxin production is most expressed at (–1)–(+5) °C. Toxin is very steady and keeps activity even at 4-5 years' storage of grain. At late stages owing to an aleukia the consecutive infections causing development of sepsis join.

Грибки Fusarium sporotrichioides - этиологический агент алиментарно-токсической алейкии

Fusarium sporotrichioides fungi - the etiological agent of an alimentary and toxic aleukia

Treatment of the Alimentary and toxic aleukia:

Disintoxication, replacement and antibacterial therapy.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Alimentary and toxic aleukia:

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