- Description
- Symptoms of Telangiectasias
- Reasons of Telangiectasias
- Treatment of Telangiectasias
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Telangiectasias - the local trichangiectasia and small trailer arteries which is found at pathology of vessels. Telangiectasias can be capillary, arterial and venous. Diameter of these vessels makes 0,5 - 1,5 mm.
Symptoms of Telangiectasias:
Vascular asterisks (telangiectasias) can appear in different places: red linear vascular telangiectasias often are found on a face, especially on a nose and cheeks — these educations are called "couperosis". On the lower extremities blue and red linear and treelike telangiectasias which and asterisks it is sometimes difficult to call are found more often. Rather they remind a grid. It is traditional a consequence of development of varicosity of veins of the lower extremities.

Telangiectasias of area of the person

Sosudity asterisks on skin
Reasons of Telangiectasias:
The reasons causing emergence of vascular asterisks are various. Among them there is genetic predisposition, diseases of a liver, disturbance of venous outflow, disturbance of coagulability of blood, an imbalance of female sex hormones, long load of legs in vertical position, pregnancy and childbirth. Can provoke emergence of vascular asterisks excessive stay to the sun, abuse of a sunbed, skin frostbites, hormonal therapy, a deep peeling of face skin and radiation therapy.
Treatment of Telangiectasias:
Electrothermic coagulation is a technique of influence by the high-frequency alternating current which is characterized by big peak and rather low average power. In this mode the ekhvch-generator induces big on amplitude, but periodically repeating high-frequency radio pulses limited on time leading to heating of a vascular wall then there is a coagulation of a vessel, its disintegration. It is a technique is simpler in use, than laser, but it belongs to a "blood" technique.
Other modern way of removal of vascular asterisks — laser coagulation of vessels. It is a "anaemic" technique of coagulation of vessels. The laser beam is selectively absorbed by the pathological vessel creating a vascular asterisk and heats it. Temperature of a vessel rises to 60-70 °C, vascular walls stick together, and a vessel is irreversible is damaged. The fabric surrounding a vessel absorbs a little the laser radiation therefore almost does not heat up and is not damaged. Thus, laser radiation selectively destroys the vessels creating a vascular asterisk.