
Producer: CJSC Bryntsalov-A Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B01BX02
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 250 mg of etamsylate in 1 tablet.
Excipients: phosphate calcium dihydrate, sodium pyrosulphate, potato starch, polyvinylpirrolidone, calcium stearate.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Drug has haemo static effect, has angioprotektorny and proagregantny effect. Stimulates formation of thrombocytes and their exit from marrow.
Haemo static action is caused by activation of formation of thromboplastin in the place of damage of small vessels and decrease in education in an endothelium of vessels of prostacyclin. It promotes increase in adhesion and aggregation of thrombocytes that, eventually, leads to a stop or reduction of bleeding.
Increases the speed of formation of primary blood clot and strengthens its retraction, practically does not influence the level of fibrinogen and a prothrombin time. Doses more than 2-10 mg/kg do not result in bigger expressiveness of effect. At repeated introductions the thrombogenesis amplifies.
Having antigialuronidazny activity and stabilizing ascorbic acid, interferes with destruction and promotes education in a wall of capillaries of mucopolysaccharides with a big molecular weight, increases capillary resistance, reduces their fragility, normalizes permeability of the last at pathological processes.
Reduces an exit of liquid and emigration of uniform elements of blood from a vascular bed, improves microcirculation.
Has no hypercoagulative properties, has no vasoconstrictive effect.
At intake the maximum action is observed in 2-4 h.
Pharmacokinetics. It is well absorbed after intake. Effective concentration in blood - 0,05-0,02 mg/ml. The maximum action is observed in 2-4 hours. Etamsylate contacts proteins of plasma and uniform elements of blood a little. It is evenly distributed in various bodies and fabrics (depends on extent of their blood supply).
Removal from an organism happens quickly, mainly to urine, and also to bile practically in an invariable look.
Indications to use:
Parenchymatous and capillary bleedings, secondary bleedings against the background of thrombocytopenia and a trombotsitopatiya, prevention intra-and postoperative bleedings (at operations on vessels and strongly vaskulyarizovanny fabric), diabetic mikroangiopatiya: a hemorrhagic diabetic retinopathy, repeated retinal apoplexies, a hemophthalmia, nasal bleedings at arterial hypertension, a hemorrhagic syndrome against the background of reception of ascorbic acid and anticoagulants of indirect action.
At diseases of system of blood, a hamaturia, intestinal and pulmonary bleedings, a hemorrhagic vasculitis, intracraneal hemorrhages, including at newborn and premature children, for prevention and treatment of hemorrhages in eyes; hemorrhagic diathesis: Verlgof's disease, Villebranda-Yurgensa, the subway - menorrhagias, internal traumatic bleedings.
Route of administration and doses:
Etamsylate is appointed once and courses of 5-14 days, bucketed repeated courses of 7-10 days.
Single dose for adults: inside - 0,25-0,5 g, if necessary can be increased to 0,75 g.
Adult: at operative measures per day inside irrespective of meal on 0,5-0,75 g (2-3 tablets) in each 4-6 h; after operation at danger of bleeding inside on 0,5 g (2 tablets) 3-4 time/day.
At intestinal, pulmonary bleedings - on 0,5 g (2 tablets) inside within 5-10 days, at continuation of a course of treatment the dose is reduced; at the subway - and menorrhagias the same doses in the period of bleedings and 2 subsequent cycles.
At hemorrhagic diathesis, diseases of system of blood, diabetic angiopatiya, etc. appoint courses of 5-14 days inside 0,75-1 g (3-4 tablets) / day through equal intervals.
Diabetic mikroangiopatiya: on 1-2 tablets 3 time/day within 2-3 weeks.
To children appoint in a dose 0,01-0,015 g/kg of body weight a day for 3 receptions.
Features of use:
Care (despite the lack of contribution to formation of blood clots) at purpose of etamsylate is necessary for patients with thromboses or embolisms in the anamnesis.
At the hemorrhagic complications connected with overdose of anticoagulants it is necessary to use specific antidotes.
Etamsylate is appointed only as supportive application and, mainly, at disturbances of platelet and vascular components of a hemostasis.
Side effects:
Heartburn, feeling of weight in an anticardium, a headache, dizziness, a dermahemia of the person, arterial hypotension (generally systolic), paresthesias of the lower extremities, allergic reactions.
Interaction with other medicines:
The combination to aminocapronic acid, Vikasolum, anticoagulative drugs is admissible.
Reduces weight of a current of the hemorrhagic syndrome caused by acetylsalicylic acid and anticoagulants of indirect action.
- hypersensitivity to drug components;
- hemorrhages against the background of anticoagulants;
- thrombosis;
- acute porphyria.
In the recommended doses and ways of introduction drug does not cause intoxications and overdose.
Storage conditions:
To store in the dry, protected from light place. Drug should be stored in the places unavailable to children. A period of validity - 3 years. Not to use drug after the expiry date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 30, 40, 50 tablets in bank of orange glass, in bank and a bottle from glass melt. On 30, 40, 50 tablets in a plastic container from polyethylene of low pressure or high pressure, in a plastic bottle. On 10 tablets in a blister strip packaging. One bank, a container, a bottle, 1 or 2 blister strip packagings in a pack.