Capillary bleeding
- Description
- Symptoms of Capillary bleeding
- Reasons of Capillary bleeding
- Treatment of Capillary bleeding
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see also:
- Nasal bleeding
- Parenchymatous bleeding
- Bleedings
- Post-extraction bleeding
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
Capillary bleeding is the expiration of blood from a circulatory bed of melayshy vessels (capillaries).
Symptoms of Capillary bleeding:
The separate bleeding vessels are not visible, blood exudes, as from a sponge. Color of blood average between arterial and venous. Blood follows slowly, on drops, and if coagulability its normal, bleeding stops independently.
Reasons of Capillary bleeding:
Capillary bleeding arises owing to damage of the smallest blood vessels (capillaries) at extensive grazes, superficial wounds.
Treatment of Capillary bleeding:
At capillary bleeding loss of blood rather small. Such bleeding can be stopped quickly, having imposed a pure gauze on the bleeding site. Over a gauze put a layer of cotton wool and tie up a wound. If on hand there is neither gauze, nor bandage, then the bleeding place can be tied up a pure handkerchief. It is impossible to impose directly on a wound shaggy fabric as on its fibers there is a large number of bacteria which cause wound infection. For the same reason directly on an open wound it is impossible to impose also vatu.

Stop of capillary bleeding