Acute salpingitis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Acute salpingitis
- Reasons of the Acute salpingitis
- Treatment of the Acute salpingitis
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Acute salpingitis – the disease connected with an inflammation of uterine tubes. Symptoms of such illness are practically always rather noticeable, and treatment drags on for a long time.
Symptoms of the Acute salpingitis:
The acute stage is characterized by brightly shown symptoms:
- the increased temperature;
- irritation of a peritoneum;
- pain in a stomach and a waist.
The acute salpingitis is characterized by the fact that in a uterine tube exudate – liquid which is formed as a result of an inflammation accumulates. If its outflow through a belly and uterine opening is impossible, then there is a sactosalpinx – the first harbinger of a salpingitis. However at an initial stage it is very difficult to diagnose a disease as pipes just are not visualized, and performing ultrasonography is possible only in the presence of a large amount of the accumulated exudate. At an acute salpingitis the metochny pipe takes the cone-shaped curved form, and its walls are thickened.

Acute salpingitis at ultrasonography diagnosis
Reasons of the Acute salpingitis:
The salpingitis is caused by various microflora and can proceed in an acute, subacute and chronic form.
Doctors note that the most often acute salpingitis arises against the background of an inflammation of ovaries, subserous myoma, cysts, an extrauterine pregnancy.
Treatment of the Acute salpingitis:
Treatment of an acute salpingitis assumes use of antibiotics, physiotherapeutic procedures, vitamin complexes. In more detail you learn about the scheme of fight against an illness, having seen a doctor. We will talk about prevention of an acute salpingitis. Whether it is possible to avoid it? Remember that the probability of developing of a disease increases at foreign intervention in a uterus (Cesarean section, abortion, installation of a spiral, etc.). Also the salpingitis can arise owing to illegibility at the choice of the sexual partner.
Sometimes occurs so that not to avoid operational intervention (for example, Cesarean section is necessary to you). In this case the thicket can drink curdled milk which several times reduces probability of emergence of a salpingitis and other inflammatory processes.