Gonococcal salpingitis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Gonococcal salpingitis
- Reasons of the Gonococcal salpingitis
- Treatment of the Gonococcal salpingitis
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Gonococcal salpingitis - frequent display of the ascending gonococcal infection.
Symptoms of the Gonococcal salpingitis:
Distinguish the following types of gonococcal defeat of pipes of a uterus: catarral salpingitis, deep (purulent) salpingitis, nodose salpingitis, pyosalpinx, hydrosalpinx, adnekstumor.
At a catarral salpingitis the mucous membrane of pipes of a uterus (a hyperemia, hypostasis of a mucous membrane and the strengthened secretion) is surprised; the pipe is edematous, evenly reinforced, it is palpated at a research. In its gleam serous and purulent liquid accumulates, internal commissures are quite often formed.
The deep (purulent) salpingitis is characterized by transition of inflammatory infiltrate to subserosal and muscular layers of a pipe which is thickened, its walls are condensed. When progressing process of a fold of pipes swell, interfering with passing of a secret which when closing a funnel stretches pipe walls, the hydrosalpinx or a pyosalpinx with purulent contents develop. At the same time the pipe considerably increases and gets a tumorous form.
Usually gonococcal salpingites proceed subacutely, inertly, with insignificant symptoms. Patients complain of the pain in the bottom of a stomach amplifying at a physical tension during periods, at the complicated defecation, gynecologic inspection. The disease periodically becomes aggravated owing to alcohol intake, after the sexual intercourses, etc. At the same time it is difficult to establish, than a recurrence — repeated infection or an aggravation of the undertreated centers of an infection is caused.
In some cases gonococcal salpingites begin sharply: there are a colicy pain in the bottom of a stomach with irradiation in a hip, allocations from a vagina, dysuric phenomena, body temperature increases (to 38 — 39 °C), the expressed leukocytosis and increase in SOE are noted, the menstrual cycle is broken.
Usually in such cases it is possible to assume that ovaries are involved in inflammatory gonococcal process. Gonococcal process in an ovary is, as a rule, combined with damage of a uterine tube.
At a gonococcal salpingo-oophoritis patients especially often complain of the aching pain in the bottom of a stomach and in the field of a sacrum, amplifying at a tension of an abdominal wall, bleeding during the intermenstrual period.
Gonokokki, getting on the surface of an ovary, cause pathological inflammatory process at which the epithelium covering an ovary is exfoliated. As a result of an adhesive inflammation between a uterine tube and an ovary commissures are formed. In addition to the defeats of a surface of an ovary leading to merging with surrounding fabrics and bodies, gonococcal process can extend also to its internal structures.
Defeat and other next bodies, as as a result of canalicular spread of an infection through the abdominal mouth of uterine tubes, and consecutive defeat of all layers of their wall with transition of process to a peritoneum is possible.
Owing to a gonococcal salpingo-oophoritis the impassability of uterine tubes leading to infertility of women, an extrauterine pregnancy, limited and even diffuse peritonitis can develop.
Reasons of the Gonococcal salpingitis:
The disease has the infectious nature, the activator - a gonorrheal diplococcus.

Gonorrheal diplococcus - the activator of a gonococcal salpingitis
Treatment of the Gonococcal salpingitis:
Carry out a pathogenetic (antibacterial) and symptomatic treatment.