DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Surgery Pylephlebitis



Pylephlebitis - a septic inflammation and thrombosis of a portal vein of a liver. This disease is the rare complication resulting from spread of an infection in an abdominal cavity (for example, at appendicitis).

Кровоснабжение печени

Blood supply of a liver

Pylephlebitis reasons:

This complication of an acute appendicitis develops because of distribution of an inflammation from veins of a worm-shaped shoot on podvzdoshchno-colonic, verkhnebryzheechny and portal veins. The pylephlebitis arises at retroperitoneal and retrocecal arrangements of a shoot more often, and at patients with destructive forms of an acute appendicitis. The pylephlebitis begins sharply and nayoblyudatsya both to, and after operation.

Pylephlebitis symptoms:

Clinically the pylephlebitis is shown first of all by temperature increase to 39-40 degrees. Except that patient megalgias in right hypochondrium, weakness, the increased perspiration will disturb. Integuments get an icteric shade.
At survey the stomach soft, is moderately painful in a navel and the right hypochondrium. At a rectal or vaginal research of pathology do not find. In blood test a high leukocytosis with shift of a formula to the left.

Treatment of a pylephlebitis:

The sick acute appendicitis complicated by a pylephlebitis showed performance of appendectomy with posleyoduyushchy complex drug treatment which includes intravenous and intra arterial purpose of antiyobiotik of a broad spectrum of activity, carrying out an ekstrakorporalyyony detoxication (hemosorption, a plasma exchange), Ural federal district blood.

Intra portal introduction of medicinal veyoshchestvo through a kanyulirovanny umbilical vein is applied. It is bared in obyolast, located 2-3 cm above a navel. Vienna is in cellulose between a cross fascia and a peritoneum. The Perifericheyosky end of a vein ties, central buzhirutsya and cannulated. Intra hepatic infusions of drugs are carried out is long.

The only and multiple abscesses of a liver of the big sizes are opened and drained by one of the known methods.

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