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Tungioz (tungiasis, саркопсиллез) – infection with eggs of a sandy flea of Tunga penetrans who gets under skin of feet and lays eggs there.

Tungioz meets in areas of Central and South America, in Africa and on the western coast of India.

Reasons of a tungioz:

Tungioz causes a pregnant female of a tropical sandy flea of Tunga penetrans (чиггерс) which breaks through the courses in skin (usually through a toe nail) to lay eggs.

In 3-4 days from them larvae hatch. Larvae live on an earth floor, in dry sandy soils, in shady corners of beaches. They eat organic matters, in 3 weeks pupate and then turn into adult fleas. Fleas it is jumping and though most often they strike feet, at the natives long squating the crotch and buttocks are affected.

Tungioz has seasonal nature. Danger of infection during rapid development of vegetation when fleas become active is high and appear in a large number.


The impregnated female of a flea makes the course in epidermis to border with a derma. It eats blood from vessels of a papillary layer of a derma. When the flea increases in sizes up to 5-8 mm, there is pain. The ripened eggs (150-200 pieces) are allocated on one of an opening on the end of an abdomen of a flea during 7-10 days. Soon after adjournment of eggs the female perishes, and in the place of defeat the ulcer is quite often formed. If parts of a body of a flea remain in skin, the inflammation and consecutive infections develop.

Symptoms of a tungioz:

Incubation interval of 8-12 days after implementation of a flea in skin.

To get under skin, the flea itself destroys it, and produces certain enzymes which corrode the surface of skin. This liquid causes local pain and hypostasis, the blister appears. The intensive itch can remain within several days after the flea left the surface of skin. In process of growth of a flea there are pain, an itch, hypostasis. As a rule, foot or a shin is struck, but any localization is possible. Hyponychial defeats are especially painful. If not to carry out treatment, then accession of consecutive infection which can lead to gangrene and sepsis is possible.

Кожные поражения при тунгиозе

Skin defeats at a tungioza


Tungioz is usually diagnosed on character and location of a wound and is confirmed after removal by a surgical way of an affected area of skin, having investigated which, it is possible to see a flea and her eggs.

Treatment of a tungioz:

The minimum surgical intervention - the only way to remove a flea and though many of locals have skill to make this operation, often in such cases is not provided sterility therefore see a doctor better. Apply sterile bandage to a wound, and in case of symptoms of secondary infection begin to accept antibiotics (флюклоксациллин, коамоксиклав or erythromycin).


Try not to go barefoot in potentially dangerous areas, and also not to sit and not to lie directly on the earth. In places where the risk of infection is high, use means protection against insects. After walk on the area where tropical sandy fleas can live, wash up legs in a warm tray. Usually this procedure prevents penetration of fleas under skin. Though the most reliable way of protection — wearing the closed, dense footwear.

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