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The alveococcosis, or multichamber echinococcosis, is one of the most dangerous helminthoses of the person. It is characterized by a heavy chronic current, primary tumorous damage of a liver, is frequent with metastasises in a brain and lungs, and also in many other bodies. Often the disease comes to an end letalno.

Alveococcosis symptoms:

The clinical picture of an alveococcosis of a liver is very diverse. In an initial stage the disease proceeds asymptomatically, does not draw to itself attention of the patient. In this stage of a disease the alveokokkovy node has the small sizes. At some patients displays of an allergy in the form of a small tortoiseshell, sometimes with a skin itch are noted.

Quite often the patient or the doctor examining him accidentally at palpation of a liver find in it a node of stony density, a surface of body at the same time uneven, hilly, at a palpation painless.

In process of growth of an alveokokkovy node in a liver the patient has number of subjective and objective symptoms of a disease: pains in right hypochondrium, epigastriums, weight, bitterness in a mouth, nausea, an eructation, sometimes - weakness, urticaria, a skin itch.

Further pains in a liver accrue, periodically there are attacks of bilious and hepatic colic, the dispepsichesky phenomena amplify. The low-painful "stone", "iron" liver is palpated.

At a stage of complications is more often than others mechanical jaundice, and also a purulent cholangitis develops. In this case the patient has a fever, a fever, the sizes of a liver which becomes painful at a palpation quickly increase. Development of abscess is possible.

During the squeezing or a prorashcheniya of portal fissures, in addition to ascites, jaundice, increases in a spleen can be observed and other symptoms of portal hypertensia: vasodilatation of an abdominal wall, varicosity of a gullet and stomach, etc.

At formation of cavities of disintegration in alveokokkovy nodes the clinical picture changes: pains amplify, temperature increases, headaches, weakness develop. Though sometimes at patients even in these hard cases the state remains satisfactory.

Germination of a diaphragm can lead to break of contents of a cavity of disintegration in bronchial tubes, the patient can die from an afiksiya, heavy aspiration pneumonia.

At break of contents of a cavity of disintegration the peritonitis phenomena develop in an abdominal cavity.

In the period of the complicated current of an alveococcosis functional disturbances of a liver often are observed.

The heaviest complications of an alveococcosis are connected with innidiation of an alveokokk in other bodies, mainly in a brain and lungs.

Clinical manifestations of defeat alveokokky a brain proceed with focal, all-brain and allergic symptoms. From focal symptoms jacksonian attacks, monopareses, a hemiparesis, a hemiplegia sensitivity disturbance are observed. From all-brain symptoms headaches, dizzinesses, nausea, vomiting, etc. are noted.

Metastasises in lungs mostly are shown by a stethalgia, cough with a scanty mucopurulent phlegm and detection of focal shadows at radiological inspection. Allergic symptoms are expressed by a blood eosinophilia, a skin itch and a small tortoiseshell.

At local population in the alveococcosis centers clinical implementation of an invasion comes not always, abortal forms meet calcification of a node or a cyst.

Alveococcosis reasons:

The activator of an alveococcosis is the larval stage of a tapeworm of Alveococcus multilocularis (Leuckart, 1858; Abuladse, 1960r.), the sorts AIveococcus (Abuladse, 1960), Echinococcine subfamilies (Abuladse, 1960), the Taeniidae families (Lud-wig, 1886), Taeniata suborder (Skryabin et Schulz, 1937), the class Cestoidea (Rudolphi, 1808), like flat worms of Plathelminthes (Schneider, 1873).

The puberal form of an alveokokk reaches in length of 1,3 - 3,27 mm at quantity of joints - from 3 to 5, on the structure is close to an echinococcus. Distinguishing characters of an alveokokk from an echinococcus the following: the number крючьев on a scolex - 28 - 32, is more often than 30; in a mature joint his uterus of a form of a bag or a sphere never has side protrusions; the sexual opening is located in a front half of a side edge, but not in back at an echinococcus.

Oncospheres are similar to oncospheres of other representatives of the Taeniidae family.

The larval form of an alveokokk represents the node consisting of a conglomerate of the microscopic bubbles which are formed by budding skintight or accrete with each other. The cavity of bubbles is filled with yellowish viscous liquid or dense dark weight. Animals almost in each bubble have scolex, and it occurs at the person seldom. On a section the node has a cellular structure with necrotic disintegration in the center.

Treatment of the Alveococcosis:

Surgical removal of parasitic nodes. Before operation appoint Mebendazolum courses for 30 days in the accruing daily doses from 200 to 600 mg and more.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Alveococcosis:

  • Препарат Мебендазол.


    Antiparasitics, insecticides and repellents

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Вермокс.


    Antiparasitics. Protivogelmintny means.

    Gedeon Richter (Gideon Richter) Hungary

  • Препарат Мебендазол.


    Anthelmintic means.

    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

  • Сайт детского здоровья