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Toksokaroz - one of serious parasitic illnesses of the person of a zoonotic origin caused by migration of larvae of intestinal nematodes of domestic carnivores, generally dogs.

In recent years in connection with the progressive growth of number of dogs, their neglected contents, availability to different objects and massive pollution of external environment invasive material - excrements, this disease became a serious medico-social problem for many countries of the world, including also Ukraine. As an example: these L. A. Kolos who showed that the prevalence of a toksokarama of dogs made 21,9%, puppies - 87,4%, cats - 9,5% testify to a toksokaroza as an important environmental problem for Kiev. At full helmintologic opening of dogs the prevalence of animals in 67% of cases is established. Impurity of the soil, greens, vegetables, berries eggs токсокар is high. The population Seropozitivnost in an age group from 4 to 10 years reaches 10,1%.

Similar results are received in the Kharkiv region, other areas of Ukraine where everywhere high impurity with eggs токсокар soils of playgrounds in preschool institutions, parks, the yards is emphasized.

Toksokaroz is of interest to general practitioners - pediatricians, therapists, infectiologists, and also to oculists, neuropathologists, allergists and special - to family doctors since various bodies are involved in pathological process at this invasion, and organ pathology differs in a big variety of symptoms, features of diagnostic approaches and medical tactics.

Toksokaroz's symptoms:

More often children of 1 — 4 years are ill. The disease proceeds with pronounced allergic symptoms: pruritic rashes, fever, a gepatosplenomegaliya, bronchial pneumonia with attacks of painful cough and suffocation, puffiness of the person, education in various bodies of the specific granulomas containing larvae токсокар. Are possible a toksokarozny ophthalmitis with defeat of a back segment of an eye (chorioretinitis), keratitis. At an eye toksokaroz irreversible injuries of eyes are possible, up to sight loss. Disease duration from several months to several years. Imaginal токсокароз meets seldom. It is clinically shown by nausea, abdominal pains, a plentiful sialosis, a loss of appetite, dizziness.

Toksokaroz's reasons:

Activators of a toksokaroz belong to the Nemathelminthes type; to the class Nematoda Rudolphi, 1809; to Ascaridata Skrjabin suborder, 1915; to the Anisakidae Skrjabin et Kokorkhin family, 1945; to the sort Toxocara Stiles, 1905 r.

Two types of the sort Toxocara - T are known. canis (Werner, 1782) - helminths mainly families of canids which parasitize at dogs, foxes, polar foxes, wolves and T. mystax (Zeder, 1800) - cat family helminths which parasitize at cats, lions, tigers and other representatives of family.

On modern representations, the main activator of a toksokaroz of the person is the T. canis. T role. mistax is discussed.

T. canis - a nematode of light yellow color. The male 4 - 10 cm long has the bent tail end with a cone-shaped appendage and two equal spicules. A female 6 - 18 cm long with the cone-shaped tail end. As at all аскаридат, the actinostome of helminths is surrounded with three lips. On the head end inflation of a cuticle which forms wide side wings which length and width has diagnostic value are located. Eggs T. canis of rounded shape. They are larger than some Ascaris lambricoides eggs - 65 - 75 microns. The outside cover of eggs thick, dense, melkobugristy, on a structure reminds a thimble surface, color of a cover fluctuates from light brown to dark. In not invasive egg there is a spherical blastomere, in mature, invasive egg - a mobile larva.

Toksokaroz's treatment:

Treatment is carried out by thiabendazole in a daily dose of 25 — 50 mg/kg within 5 — 7 days or Mebendazolum in a dose of 3 — 5 mg/kg within 5 — 7 days. Apply the desensibilizing means. The forecast is more often favorable. For treatment of an imaginal toksokaroz use Pyrantelum and levamisole. Treatment of an eye form of a toksokaroz albendazole of 15 mg/kg a day 20 days.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for Toksokaroz's treatment:

  • Препарат Гелмодол-ВМ.


    Anthelmintic and antiprotozoan means.

    "World Medicine" Great Britain ("UORLD MEDITSIN") Great Britain


  • Препарат Немозол.


    Anthelmintic means.

    Ipca Laboratories (Ipk Laboratoriya) India

  • Препарат Фармокс.


    Anthelmintic means.

    "Vishpha" Ukraine

  • Препарат Немозол.


    Antiparasitics. Protivogelmintny means.

    Ipca Laboratories (Ipk Laboratoriya) India

  • Препарат Немозол.


    Anthelmintic means.

    Ipca Laboratories (Ipk Laboratoriya) India

  • Сайт детского здоровья