Wisdom teething
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The adult in a normality has 32 teeth. Two last teeth in each dentition are called wisdom teeth. 28 teeth grow at early age, and wisdom teeth are cut aged from 17 up to 30 years.
Wisdom teeth received the name just in connection with late eruption. Singularity of these teeth is that they have no milk predecessors, and, appearing, cause a set of troubles, a sensation of discomfort and serious pain to the owner.
It occurs because at the time of emergence of these teeth the bone tissue of both jaws is already created and quite often happens that because of shortage of the place on a maxillary arch the lower wisdom tooth aims to take not the place.
The wisdom tooth always painfully is cut. Main reasons for it: thick walls of a tooth sack, a reinforced mucous membrane and the lowered rostoobrazuyushchy factors. Except morbidity of the process the teething of wisdom can cause also a set of other complications.
The wisdom tooth is cut through sometimes not completely, constraining surrounding teeth. The similar situation, as a rule, involves a local inflammation and pain.
Time during which the wisdom tooth is cut can be quite long, and the inflammation will constantly disturb you, proving the increased temperature of all body and sensitive pains because of which sometimes just it is difficult even to open a mouth. Such state is fraught with an inflammation of the fabrics surrounding problem tooth, up to a bone therefore demands immediate intervention of the qualified stomatologist.
Often when the wisdom tooth grows, its effective cleaning is complicated (owing to an arrangement of wisdom teeth in the depth of a jaw) and there is caries. The wrong situation at wisdom eruption also increases risk of formation of caries on the next tooth because of difficult access to intervals between these teeth. At emergence of these symptoms it is necessary to address the dentist and to carry out the corresponding treatment. Very often in this case the wisdom odontectomy, especially is recommended if all other teeth are developed normally.
In rare instances, in tissues of people around the cutting-through wisdom tooth, there can be a cyst and a tumor that demands immediate surgical intervention of the dentist.
In case of the wrong position of a wisdom tooth at eruption the probability that similar tooth will significantly affect condition of other teeth that causes change of a bite is high.
In addition to esthetic problems it can cause also functional problems. For example, in case of wisdom tooth shift towards a threshold of an oral cavity there can be a serious traumatizing a mucous membrane of cheeks, lips or language, causing emergence of erosion and ulcers.
Sometimes at a lack of the place of dentition or in case of the wrong inclination of the wisdom tooth such anomaly as "a submersed wisdom tooth" develops. Similar teeth are, as a rule, extracted.
Such option is possible that the wisdom tooth is not cut through in general. Despite its absence, such tooth it is dangerous by the complications. It can damage roots of the next teeth or provoke neuralgic pains. In this case it is necessary to address the stomatologist and, most likely, tooth should be extracted.
At the time of eruption of the lower wisdom teeth when only a part of tooth appeared, there can be acute inflammations and even amassment of pus in the formed hood between a gum and tooth. It causes such serious disease as perikoronarit (pericoronitis).
The main symptoms of a perikoronarit are:
* pain and swelling of the gums surrounding a wisdom tooth,
* an unpleasant smell from a mouth,
* unpleasant smack.

Wisdom teething options