Камистад® gel

Producer: Stada Arzneimittel ("STADA Artsnaymittel") Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A01AD11
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Gel.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agents: Lidocaine a hydrochloride [in the form of monohydrate hydrochloride lidocaine] – 2,00 g, camomiles pharmaceutical flowers extract (1:4-5) (extragent – ethanol of 50% (about) from trometamoly 1,37%) – 18,50 g. Excipients: Benzalkoniya chloride of 50% solution – 0,20 g, a cinnamon camphoric oil – 0,10 g, sodium saccharinate – 0,10 g, carbomer – 1,50 g, трометамол 2,81 g, formic acid of 98% - 0,04 g, ethanol of 96% - 0,82 g, water of 73,93 g.
Pharmacological properties:
The combined drug. Lidocaine has mestnoanesteziruyushchy effect which promotes bystry and long reduction of pain at an inflammation and injury of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and gums. Extract of flowers of a camomile has the antiinflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating properties.
Indications to use:
Pain syndrome at an inflammation of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and lips (at stomatitis, a cheilitis, a gletcherny erythema of lips), an ulitis (an inflammation of gums), irritation of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity during the carrying dentures and briquettes, a teething of "wisdom", dental procedures, after orthopedic operations in maxillofacial surgery.
Route of administration and doses:
Locally. The strip of drug 0,5 cm long is applied on the painful or inflamed sites of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and lips by 3 times a day, rubbing the easy massing movements. For accustoming to dentures to places of squeezing to rub a strip of gel 0,5 cm long. The course of treatment depends on disease severity.
Features of use:
Hit of drug in eyes is not allowed. Before use of gel it is recommended to wash up hands. Камистад® saccharinate contains sodium sweetener.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions are possible. If during use of Kamistada®poyavilis symptoms of an allergy, drug it is necessary to cancel and see a doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
Cases of interaction or incompatibility with other medicines are not described.
Hypersensitivity to drug components, pregnancy, the lactation period, children's age (up to 12 years).
About cases of overdose of drug it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above 30 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Gel for topical administration. On 10 g in an aluminum tuba with the screw-on cover from polyethylene. Each tuba together with the instruction on a medical use of drug is placed in a pack.