Luan gel

Producer: Stada Arzneimittel ("STADA Artsnaymittel") Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D04AB01
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Gel.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: lidocaine hydrochloride of 25 mg/g or 10 mg/g. Excipients: sodium carboxymethylcellulose, глицерол, methyl-p-hydroxybenzoate, ethyl-p-hydroxybenzoate. Propyl-p-gidroksibenzoat, Natrium benzoicum, the water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
Mestnoanesteziruyushchy action is caused by blockade of voltazhzavisimy Na+-channels that interferes with generation of impulses in the terminations of sensory nerves and to carrying out painful impulses on nerve fibrils. At topical administration expands vessels, has no local irritative effect. The effect develops in 1-5 min. after drawing on mucous membranes or skin and 30-60 min. remain (an aerosol for topical administration - 10-15 min., gel for topical administration - 15-20 min.).
Indications to use:
Terminal (surface) anesthesia of mucous membranes: in stomatology (anesthesia of area of a prick before local anesthesia, suture on a mucous membrane, an extirpation of milk teeth, removal of a dental calculus, otorhinolaryngology (operation on a nasal partition, carrying out electrothermic coagulation and another), obstetrics and gynecology (an epiziotomiya and processing of a section, removal of seams, interventions on a vagina and a neck of uterus and another); at tool and endoscopic researches (introduction of the probe, a rektoskopiya, an intubation and another), radiological survey (elimination of nausea and a gag reflex); as analgeziruyushchy medicine at burns (including solar), stings, contact dermatitis (including caused by the irritating plants), small wounds (including scratches); surface anesthesia of integuments at small surgical interventions. Preferably primeneniye:2,5% gel: holding diagnostic and medical endourethral procedures (tsitoskopiya, bladder catheterization, expansion of an urethra) of.1% gel: holding endoscopic procedures (faringoskopiya, laringoskopiya, trakheobronkhoskopiya, ezofagogastroduodenoskopiya, rektoskopiya, etc.)
Route of administration and doses:
Locally, at anesthesia of a mucous membrane of a gullet, a throat, tracheas grease the outside surfaces of the tools intended for a research; for surface anesthesia of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity put with a sterile glass stick or the sterile cotton plug of 0.2-2 g of gel moistened in gel; at insufficient anesthesia in 2-3 min. repeat; the maximum dose for adults for 12 h - 300 mg (6 g of gel); in urology to women - 3-5 ml of 2,5% of gel grease a mucous membrane of an urethra before a research, to men before catheterization - 100-200 mg (5-10 ml of 2,5% of gel), before a tsistoskopiya for filling and dilatation of an urethra - 600 mg (30 ml of 2,5% of gel) in 2 receptions at an interval of several minutes (distal department of an urethra at the same time temporarily press). The maximum dose - 600 mg (30 ml of 2,5% of gel) during 12 h. To children - to 4.5 mg/kg. Urology: at men (for achievement of anesthesia of a mucous membrane of an urethra) - to wash out and disinfect an outside opening of an urethra. To break off an internal tip, by means of squeezing of a tube smoothly to enter contents (10 g of gel) via the plastic extender and for several minutes to press the channel. For short-term procedures (catheterization) adequate anesthesia is reached practically right after introduction; at longer procedure (tsistoskopiya) the channel is pressed within 5-10 min. for obtaining the maximum effect; at women the dose is selected individually depending on features of an anatomic structure of an urethra. For stopping of a pain syndrome at cystitis and an urethritis enter 10 g of gel of 1 times a day within 5-7 days in combination with other medicines. Stomatology: for anesthesia of the place of an injection gel is applied on a mucous membrane in the field of the subsequent infiltration anesthesia at an interval of 2-3 min.; for anesthesia at removal of a dental calculus gel is rubbed to the gingival region and necks of teeth within 2-3 min. then the procedure is carried out; as a medical bandage after removal of a dental calculus or a curettage gel is applied on gingival edge and fixed; in the form of applications it is applied several times a day on a mucous membrane of an oral cavity on places афт and erosion.
Features of use:
At use Luana, as well as at use of any other local anesthetic, it is necessary to use minimum doses are effective. For prevention of emergence of allergic reactions it is necessary to avoid use of applications of drug on extensive sites of skin, on the struck surface of skin and mucous membranes or in the presence of the infection centers in a zone of admissible application. Thanks to full dissolution of gel in water and lack of fatty substances, drug does not damage rubber and plastic parts and does not contaminate optical parts of the equipment. During treatment it is necessary to be careful during the driving of motor transport and occupation other potentially dangerous types of activity demanding the increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions: allergic contact dermatitis (a hyperemia in a site of application, skin rash, a small tortoiseshell, an itch, burning), a Quincke's disease. Other: urethritis.
Interaction with other medicines:
Cimetidinum and propranolol reduce hepatic clearance of lidocaine (decrease in metabolism owing to inhibition of a microsomal oxidation and decrease in a hepatic blood-groove) and increase risk of development of toxic effects (including a condition of an oglushennost, drowsiness, bradycardia, paresthesias and another). Barbiturates, Phenytoinum, rifampicin (inductors of microsomal enzymes of a liver) reduce efficiency (increase in a dose can be required). At appointment with Ajmalinum, Phenytoinum, verapamil, quinidine, Amiodaronum strengthening of a negative inotropic effect is possible. Joint appointment with beta adrenoblockers increases risk of development of bradycardia. Cardiac glycosides weaken cardiotonic effect, kurarepodobny medicines strengthen a muscular relaxation. Procaineamide increases risk of development of excitement of TsNS, hallucinations. At co-administration of lidocaine and somnolent and sedative medicines strengthening of their oppressing action on ЦНС.При in administration of hexobarbital or thiopental of sodium against the background of effect of lidocaine is possible respiratory depression is possible. Under the influence of MAO inhibitors strengthening of mestnoanesteziruyushchy effect of lidocaine is possible. The patients accepting MAO inhibitors should not appoint lidocaine parenterally. At simultaneous use of lidocaine and polymyxin B strengthening of the oppressing influence on neuromuscular transmission therefore in that case it is necessary to monitor function of breath of the patient is possible.
About ostorozhnostyyu:gemorroidalny bleeding (for a rectal research), a local infection in a scope, an injury of a mucous membrane or integuments in the scopes, acute diseases weakened patients, younger children's age, advanced age. Use at pregnancy is also not revealed teratogenic or embriotoksichesky properties of drug, however its use on early durations of gestation laktatsii:eksperimentalno, has to be carefully proved. During use of drug it is recommended to refuse breastfeeding.
Storage conditions:
To store in the dry, protected from light place, at a temperature 8-30ºС.Хранить the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tubas on 15 g (2,5% gel), the polyethylene urethral extender is put to each tuba. The tuba together with the polyethylene extender and the application instruction of drug is placed in a cardboard pack. Tubas on 100 g (1% gel). The tuba together with the application instruction of drug is placed in a cardboard pack.