- Description
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Ezofagogastroduodenoskopiya (EGDS) – visual survey of upper parts of a digestive tract (a gullet, a stomach and a duodenum) from within by means of the special device – the gastroscope representing the flexible elastic managed probe which is entered through a mouth in a prone position on the left side after local anesthesia of a throat (for removal of an emetic reflex). Performance of a research under anesthetic is sometimes possible.
By means of optical system of the device the doctor in details examines the enlarged image of a mucous membrane of above-mentioned bodies, if necessary it can take fabric pieces for a histologic research. This procedure is called a biopsy, it proceeds absolutely without serious consequences. All this allows to make quickly and precisely the diagnosis including at the earliest stages of a course of a disease (an inflammation, an ulcer, erosion, a polyp, a tumor, gastric bleeding, etc.). Based on data of gastroscopy the doctor can pick up the correct treatment in each case. The more precisely the diagnosis will be made, the more successfully there will take place treatment.
Gastroscopy can be followed by performance of a number of the diagnostic and medical manipulations which are carried out by means of thin flexible tools which are entered on the special channel of the device. Except a biopsy various methods of coloring of a mucous membrane allowing to reveal diseases more precisely at early stages of a course of a disease are widely applied. HELPIL – TEST allows to define existence and degree of prevalence of the disease-producing bacteria promoting development of a number of diseases within several minutes. Via the gastroscope polyps and some other tumors of a digestive tract successfully are removed, foreign bodys are taken, the stop of gastrointestinal bleedings is made. These jewelry interventions, painless for the patient, give the chance to avoid big abdominal organs operations.
Preparation for a research.
The research is carried out strictly on an empty stomach, as a rule, in the first half of day.
On the eve of the research (till 20 o'clock) – an easy dinner. Prior to a research, whenever possible, refrain from smoking.
Prior to a research it is possible to drink simple water without gas in a small amount, but surely report about it to the doctor.
After the research it is impossible to drink and eat food within 30 minutes. If to you the biopsy eaten in day of a research food was carried out should not be hotter.
Performance of gastroscopy and in the second half of day is possible. In this case the light breakfast is possible, but prior to a research there have to pass not less than 8-9 hours.
Do not hesitate to ask, the doctor and the nurse will make recommendations detailed, clear to you how to behave during the procedure that it took place least unpleasantly, in the shortest possible time and is successful. Listen carefully and carry out a doctor's advice, conducting a research.

Carrying out ezofagogastroduodenoskopiya