Sab Simpleks

Producer: Pfizer (Pfayzer) of the USA
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A03AX
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Suspension oral.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: симетикон 6,919 g (диметикон 350: silicon dioxide, in the ratio 92,5%: 7,5%) Excipients: gipromelloza of 1,5 g, carbomer of 0,6 g, citrate sodium dihydrate of 1,0 g, citric acid monohydrate of 0,5468 g, fragrance of vanilla 0,315 g, fragrance of crimson 0,108 g, sodium cyclomate of 0,2 g, sodium saccharinate of 0,02 g, Natrium benzoicum of 0,1 g, acids polyglycostearyl ethers of 1,0378 g, sorbic acid of 0,0347 g, water of 89,6189 g. Description: From white till gray-white color, slightly viscous suspension with a characteristic fruit smell (vanilla and crimson).
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Reducing surface intention on limit of the section of phases, complicates education and promotes destruction of gas bubbles in intestinal contents. The gases released at the same time can be absorbed by walls of intestines or be removed thanks to a peristaltics. At sleepy and a X-ray analysis warns hindrances and overlappings of images; promotes the best irrigation of a mucous membrane of a large intestine contrast means, interfering with a rupture of a contrast film. Simetikon changes surface intention of the vials of gas which are formed in contents of a stomach and slime of intestines and causes their destruction. The released gases are soaked up by a wall of intestines or are removed at an intestines peristaltics. Simetikon deletes foam with an actual path, does not enter chemical changes.
Pharmacokinetics. Owing to physical and chemical inertness it is not soaked up in an organism, after passing through digestive tract it is removed in not changed look.
Indications to use:
- It is applied as symptomatic therapy at the strengthened gas generation, a meteorism (including in the postoperative period);
- preparation for diagnostic testings of digestive tract (X-ray analysis, ultrasonography, ezofagogastroduodenoskopiya);
- acute poisonings with the detergents containing surfactants at their hit in a stomach.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside. Raised gazoobrazovaniyenovorozhdenny and the children of chest age (till 1 year of life) receiving feeding from a children's small bottle: add 15 drops (0,6 ml) of suspension to each bottle. Саб® the Simplex well mixes up with other liquids, for example, of молоком.Дети from a year to 6 years: on 15 drops (0,6 ml) in time or after food. If necessary, in addition 15 drops for the night.
Children from 6 to 15 years: 20 - 30 drops (0,8 - 1,2 ml).
Adults: 30 - 45 drops (1,2 - 1,8 ml). This dose should be accepted each 4 - 6 h; if necessary it can be increased. Саб® it is the best of all to accept the Simplex in time or after food and, if necessary, before going to bed. Саб® the Simplex can be given to newborns before feeding from a teaspoon. Before use it is necessary to stir up a bottle actively. That suspension began to arrive from a pipette, the bottle should be turned upside down and to knock on a bottom. Duration of use depends on dynamics of complaints. Саб® the Simplex if necessary can be accepted for a long time
. Preparation for diagnostic testings of digestive tract. Use by preparation for diagnostic testings of digestive tract is facilitated if from a bottle to remove a pipette.
X-ray inspection: for preparation for a X-ray analysis a day before the research it is necessary to accept 3-6 teaspoons (15 - 30 ml) Sab® of the Simplex in the evening.
Ultrasonography: by preparation for ultrasonography it is recommended to take 3 teaspoons (15 ml) Sab® of the Simplex in the evening a day before the research and 3 teaspoons for 3 h prior to a research. Endoscopy: before endoscopy it is necessary to accept ½ - 1 teaspoon (2,5 - 5 ml) Sab® of the Simplex. During the research via the endoscope it is possible to enter in addition several milliliters of Sab® suspension the Simplex. Poisoning washing a sredstvamidoz depends on weight of poisoning. The recommended minimum dose of Sab® of the Simplex makes 1 teaspoon (5 ml). In cases of saving the available complaints and/or again appeared complaints it is necessary to see a doctor.
Features of use:
Drug Sab Simpleks can be used including at patients with a diabetes mellitus since does not contain carbohydrates. The new and/or repeating complaints connected with the strengthened gas generation have to be clinically confirmed. Influence on ability to drive the car and to use to the tekhnikoyena influences ability to drive the car and to work with mechanisms.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not established.
Hypersensitivity to active agent to a simetikon or to any of auxiliary components of drug, obstructive diseases of digestive tract, intestinal impassability. Pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Саб® the Simplex can be applied during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
Overdose cases are not known for drug.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature not over 25 to °s.khranit in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Suspension for intake of 69,19 mg/ml. On 30 ml in bottles of light-protective glass with the drop device (25 drops in 1 ml). Each bottle together with the instruction is placed in a cardboard pack.