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Ultrasonography (sonografiya) is one of the most informative methods of noninvasive diagnosis in medicine. Thanks to the fact that bodies and fabrics have various permeability for ultrasonic waves from one structures the wave is reflected, is absorbed by others, - passes through the third almost freely. This principle of echolocation also was basis UZI-skannerov - the ultrasonic waves reflected from structures, heterogeneous on permeability, are caught by the sensor of the device and after computer processing will be transformed on the monitor screen to the shining points from which the image in the form of a cut of fabrics forms. In recent years due to jump of technologies receiving not only two-dimensional "cuts", but also volume images of bodies, a fruit in a uterus, etc. became possible.
Unlike other methods of radiodiagnosis (fluorography, X-ray, a computer tomography and a nuclear magnetic resonance) the sonografiya in those doses which are applied in ultrasonography - is harmless to the person.
UZI-isledovaniya are applied to diagnosis of a disease, definition of the course of course of pregnancy, observation of dynamics of process and assessment of results of treatment. Thanks to the safety ultrasonic diagnosis was widely adopted.
Ultrasonography diagnosis, as a rule, does not demand any special training of the patient. A research of abdominal organs, generally make in the morning on an empty stomach, female generative organs, a prostate and bladder - at the filled bladder. For the best contact of the ultrasonic sensor with a body surface skin is greased with special gel.
Ultrasonic diagnosis allows to obtain important information on a condition of various bodies - a liver, a pancreas, a spleen, kidneys, a bladder, a prostate gland, adrenal glands, a thyroid gland, etc. In obstetric clinic - to define duration of gestation and an attitude of fetus, lag in its development and inborn defects, to establish not developing pregnancy, a full or incomplete abortion.
Also diagnosis of gynecologic diseases is possible: myomas and tumors of a uterus, cysts and tumors of ovaries.
Ultrasonography is shown in all cases if in an abdominal cavity any education is palpated, special value has in recognition of malignant tumors of digestive organs. Some acute diseases demanding urgent surgical intervention such as acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, thrombosis of vessels are easily diagnosed, etc. Ekhografiya practically always allows to reveal quickly the mechanical nature of jaundice and to precisely establish its reason.
At a research of heart obtain information on features of its structure and dynamics of reductions, on the inborn and acquired defects, damages of a myocardium, an ischemic disease, perikardita and other diseases of cardiovascular system. Ultrasound is applied to assessment pumping, functions of heart, for control of effect of medicines, for studying of coronary circulation and is the same reliable method of anemic diagnosis as an electrocardiography and X-ray inspection of heart.
Devices of pulse-Doppler type register blood-groove speed in deeply located main vessels (an aorta, the lower vena cava, vessels of kidneys, etc.), reveal impassability of peripheral vessels - zones of thrombosis or a prelum, and also an obliterating endarteritis.
Ultrasonic diagnosis gives the chance to visually present internal structures of an eyeglobe even in cases of opacity of his environments, allows to measure the crystalline lens thickness, length of axes of an eye, to find amotio of a retina and a choroid, opacification in a vitreous, foreign bodys. It is used for calculation of optical power of an artificial crystalline lens, for observation of development of short-sightedness.
The ultrasonic method is simple and available, has no contraindications and can be used repeatedly, even during the day if it is demanded by a condition of the patient. The received data supplement data of a computer tomography, x-ray and radio isotope diagnosis, have to be compared with a clinical condition of the patient.

Device ultrasonography

Technique of performing ultrasonography of a bladder

Ultrasonography at pregnancy