Эспумизан® L

Producer: Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group (Berlin-Hemi AG/Menarini Group) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A03AX13
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Emulsion.
General characteristics. Structure:
(= 25 drops) drug contains in 1 ml:
Active component: симетикон – 40 mg
Excipients: a hypro rod (MZ=3,0), sorbic acid, sodium cyclomate, sodium saccharinate, fragrance banana No. 516060, the water purified.
Description. Slightly viscous emulsion of milky-white color with a banana smell.
Pharmacological properties:
The drug reducing gas generation in intestines. Active component симетикон - surfactant, reduces surface intention of the gas bubbles which are in a gastro intestinal path which at the same time break up. Use of Espumizana®L for preparation and conducting diagnostic testings prevents appearance of defects of the image, caused by vials of gas. Simetikon is not absorbed from a GIT. It is brought out of an organism in an invariable look.
Indications to use:
- meteorism symptoms: abdominal distention, feeling of a raspiraniye and overflow in an anticardium, the strengthened gas generation (including in the postoperative period, and also at newborns and babies;
- intestinal gripes,
- preparation for diagnostic testings of abdominal organs and a small pelvis (ultrasonography, a X-ray analysis, etc.), including as additive to suspensions of contrast means for obtaining the image by method of a double contrast study.
- tenzidama poisonings (including the surfactants which are a part of detergents) as the defoaming agent.
Route of administration and doses:
For dosing of drops the bottle needs to be held vertically an opening down.
Before the use the bottle with an emulsion needs to be shaken up.
At a meteorism:
To children of 14 years and the adult: on 2 ml (50 drops) of Espumizana® of L 3 - 5 times a day.
The Child aged from 6 up to 14 years: on 1 - 2 ml (25-50 drops) of Espumizana® of L 3 – 5 times a day.
To children aged from 1 year up to 6 years: on 1 ml (25 drops) of Espumizana® of L 3 - 5 times a day.
To children of chest age: 1 ml (25 drops) of drug add to a small bottle with baby food or by means of a small spoon give to or after feeding by a breast.
Drug is accepted inside during meal or after food, if necessary also before going to bed.
Duration of use depends on expressiveness of symptoms. In case of need Espumizan ® L can be accepted for a long time.
For preparation for a X-ray analysis and ultrasound examination of abdominal organs:
Appoint 2 ml (50 drops) of Espumizana® of L 3 time a day a day before the research and 2 ml (50 drops) of Espumizana® in the L morning in day of a research.
For obtaining the double contrast image add 4-8 ml (100-200 drops) of an emulsion on 1 liter of a contrast suspension.
At poisonings with detergents drug appoint the adult on 10-20 ml (1/3 – 2/3 contents of a bottle), to children – on 2,5 - 10 ml (65 drops-1/3 of contents of a bottle) of Espumizana® of L 40 depending on weight of poisoning.
Features of use:
Espumizan ® L can be accepted also after operations.
The emulsion does not contain sugar and can be applied at patients with a diabetes mellitus.
Side effects:
The side effects connected using drug were not observed.
Interaction with other medicines:
Clinically significant interaction of the drug Espumizan® L with other medicines it is not established.
Hypersensitivity to drug components, intestinal impassability.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above 30 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 3 years. After opening of a bottle to use drug within 4 weeks. Not to use after drug expiry date!
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Emulsion for intake, 40 mg/ml. On 30 ml in bottles of dark glass with a stopper - a dropper, the screwing-up cover and a measured cap. On 1 bottle in a cardboard pack together with the instruction on a medical use of drug.