- Description
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Rektoskopiya (Latin of rectum — "rectum", from Greek skopeo — "I watch") is a technique of visual examination of a mucous membrane of a rectum by means of the special device — the rektoskop representing a curved tube with an okulyator and an electrobulb on the end. This method allows to conduct examination of a rectum on depth of 30-35 centimeters from an anus.
Indications to carrying out a rektoskopiya.
It is reasonable to see off Rektoskopiya as in the preventive purposes for the prevention of various diseases of a rectum, and in the presence of the following symptoms:
- pains in the field of an anus
- disturbances of a chair (lock or diarrhea)
- intestinal bleedings
- mucous or purulent discharges from an anus
It should be noted that contraindications to carrying out this research are such situations as: acute inflammations in the field of an anus (for example, hemorrhoids, a paraproctitis and so forth), narrowing of a gleam of the proctal channel (usually at tumors), traumatic defeats of an anus (for example, corrosive or thermal burns), and also a serious general condition.
Necessary preparation for carrying out a rektoskopiya:
Before implementation of diagnostic inspection it is necessary to be prepared for it carefully. Some days before its carrying out to pass to a special diet — to refuse bakery products, vegetables and fruit, bean. In the evening, preceding diagnosis, it is possible to use only tea, besides, it is necessary to make a cleansing enema which should be repeated also in 2 hours prior to a research. Besides, just before the procedure the doctor-proctologist examines area of an anus and conducts a rectal research of a rectum that promotes additional diagnosis of such pathologies as: hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, proctal eczema, dermatitis, sharp-pointed condylomas, tumors and so forth.
Carrying out rektoskopiya.
Rektoskopiya is made in genucubital position of the patient on a couch or in a prone position on a gynecologic chair. At the expressed painful symptoms in an anus previously carry out local anesthesia. Introduction of the device to a rectum is carried out slowly and carefully, at the same time for the best survey inflating of a gleam of a gut is used by air. Besides that this technique allows to find visually various pathologies, it is also capable to execute an intake of tissue of mucous membrane for the subsequent histologic research (biopsy) or to carry out electrothermic coagulation of various new growths — that is to serve as a certain way of endoscopic treatment.

Scheme of carrying out rektoskopiya