Crepitant tendovaginitis
- Description
- Reasons of a crepitant tendovaginitis
- Symptoms of a crepitant tendovaginitis
- Treatment of a crepitant tendovaginitis
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Crepitant tendovaginitis - an aseptic inflammation of a tendinous vagina.
Reasons of a crepitant tendovaginitis:
It is observed at persons of physical work, after long bystry uniform or unusual movements (on hands at mechanics, laundresses, pianists), and also standing after big transitions, climbing mountains.

Pathogeny at a tendovaginitis
Symptoms of a crepitant tendovaginitis:
More often tendinous vaginas of razgibatel of a forearm, a shin, fingers, brushes, foot and an Achilles tendon are surprised. There is a serous and hemorrhagic or fibrinous exudate in a circle of a tendinous vagina or in it.
Morbidity at the movement of any muscle or group of muscles. A swelling on the course of a tendinous vagina. At the movements feeling of a crunch (crepitation). The crunch is very well felt if a hand to capture a sore point and to force the patient to make the easy movements by an extremity.
The current an inflammation develops sharply, passes at treatment in 7 — 10 days, has bent to recur and pass into a chronic form with periodic aggravations.
Treatment of a crepitant tendovaginitis:
Termination of work. Rest, a bandage for 5 — 7 days. Further local warm trays, hard bandaging. To get to work in 6 — 7 days after disappearance of a swelling and crepitation.