Chronic duodenitis
- Description
- Reasons of a chronic duodenitis
- Symptoms of a chronic duodenitis
- Treatment of a chronic duodenitis
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Chronic duodenitis — a chronic inflammatory disease of a duodenum which meets rather often.
Reasons of a chronic duodenitis:
The reasons of its development in many respects same, as at chronic gastritis, namely: the irritating influence on a mucous membrane of a gut of rough and spicy food, alcohol, some drugs and chemical agents, and also disturbances of neurohumoral regulation.
Symptoms of a chronic duodenitis:
Symptoms of a chronic duodenitis in most cases remind symptoms of a peptic ulcer of a duodenum. Pains in an anticardium, (aching or skhvatkoobrazny), more often arising "on a hungry stomach" first of all concern to them. There are heartburn, an eructation acid, nausea. The bent to locks as secretory function of a stomach is usually increased is noted. The general disturbances consist in weakness, increased fatigue, in decrease in working capacity. As any chronic disease a chronic duodenitis has phases of an aggravation and remission which define clinical symptomatology.

Treatment of a chronic duodenitis:
Treatment is carried out against the background of a diet (table No. 5). Antacids, pro-kinetic drugs (cerucal, мотилиум), the selection blockers M-holinoretseptorov, cholagogue (Allocholum, оксафеналид, mobile phones), enzymes are appointed.
At a duodenal papillitis carry out treatment by antibiotics (ampicillin), antacids,-nolom.
Surgery can be performed at a duodenal divertuculosis, the stenosing duodenal papillitis, an organic duodenostaz, the complicated bleeding, perforation.