Acute duodenitis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Acute duodenitis
- Reasons of the Acute duodenitis
- Treatment of the Acute duodenitis
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The acute inflammatory disease of a duodenum is called an acute duodenitis.
The acute duodenitis usually proceeds in combination with an acute inflammation of a stomach and intestines as an acute gastroenteritis, a gastroenterocolitis. Distinguish:
* catarral acute duodenitis;
* erosive and ulcer acute duodenitis;
* phlegmonous acute duodenitis.

Anatomy of a 12-tiperstny gut
Symptoms of the Acute duodenitis:
Main symptoms characteristic of an acute duodenitis: pain in epigastric area; nausea, vomiting; general weakness.
Reasons of the Acute duodenitis:
Main reasons for emergence of an acute duodenitis: food toxicoinfections; poisonings with toxic substances; excessive reception of spicy food and hard alcoholic beverages; injuries of a mucous membrane of a duodenum.
Treatment of the Acute duodenitis:
At treatment of an acute catarral and erosive and ulcer duodenitis the following complex of events is held:
* hunger;
* bed rest;
* gastric lavages weak solution of potassium permanganate;
* special diet;
* use of the knitting and enveloping means;
* use of spasmolytic and cholinolytic drugs (at pains).
Treatment at a phlegmonous duodenitis is carried out operational using an antibioticotherapia.
Complications which can arise at a phlegmonous form of an acute duodenitis: intestinal bleedings; perforation of a wall of a gut; development of acute pancreatitis.