
Producer: "World Medicine" Great Britain ("UORLD MEDITSIN") Great Britain
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A02AF02
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Suspension oral.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agents: aluminum hydroxide (in the form of dry gel) - 81 mg, magnesium hydroxide - 20 mg, симетикон - 25 mg.
Excipients: citric acid - 0,60 mg, a peppermint of leaves oil - 0,13 mg, Mannitolum - 2,50 mg, methylparahydroxysodium benzoate - 1,00 mg, пропилпарагидроксибензоат sodium - 0,50 mg, sodium saccharinate - 0,28 mg, sorbitol (solution of 70%) of-14,00 mg, hydrogen the peroxide concentrated-1,22 mg ethanol of 96%-0,5 mg, the water purified - to 1 ml.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Simalgel-VM - the combined means which action is caused by the components which are its part; renders the antiacid, adsorbing, enveloping and carminative action. Algadrat (aluminum hydroxide) and magnesium hydroxide neutralize free hydrochloric acid in a stomach, lower acidity of a gastric juice, connect bile acids. Aperient effect of magnesium of hydroxide counterbalances ability of an algedrat to slow down motility of intestines. Simetikon complicates formation of gas bubbles and promotes their destruction. The gases released at the same time are absorbed by walls of intestines and removed from an organism thanks to a peristaltics.
Pharmacokinetics. Absorption - low.
Indications to use:
The diseases of the digestive tract (DT) which are followed by a meteorism:
- acute gastritis;
- hyperacid gastritis;
- acute duodenitis;
- a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum (in an aggravation phase);
- symptomatic ulcers of a GIT of various genesis;
- erosion of a mucous membrane of upper parts of a GIT;
- hernia of an esophageal opening of a diaphragm;
- reflux esophagitis.
And also it is possible to apply at discomfort of a GIT, a gastralgia, heartburn (after the excess use of alcoholic beverages, nicotine, coffee, reception of medicines, errors in a diet).
Route of administration and doses:
Suspension for intake.
The adult to accept 10 ml 4 times a day in 1 hour after food (if it is not specified by the doctor differently). The maximum daily dose makes 40 ml of drug Simalgel-VM (a course of treatment - no more than 2 weeks when using in the maximum doses).
At a reflux esophagitis drug is accepted through short time after food on 5 - 10 ml by 4 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 2-3 months (when using the maximum doses - no more than 2 weeks).
At incidental use (heartburn, discomfort of a GIT at improper feeding) - once 10 ml.
For children 10 years a dosage are more senior the attending physician (usually defines 1/2 doses for adults). The maximum daily dose makes 20 ml of drug Simalgel-VM (a course of treatment - no more than 2 weeks when using in the maximum doses).
Features of use:
Before the use the Bottle with suspension needs to be shaken up well!
At combined use Simalgel-VM and other medicines an interval between reception has to make not less than 2 hours. With extra care appoint the patient with a renal failure, to a liver and patients of advanced age - appointment in this case is carried out under control of the attending physician.
At prolonged use of drug it is recommended to control the content of phosphorus and magnesium in blood.
One dose of drug (10 ml) contains 0,0048 g of alcohol (in terms of absolute alcohol).
Does not make negative impact on ability of control of motor transport and work with the mechanisms demanding the increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions, intestinal colic. At long reception in therapeutic high doses - a hypophosphatemia, a hypocalcemia, a hypercalcuria, osteomalacy, osteoporosis, a gipermagniyemiya, a giperalyuminiyemiya, encephalopathy, a nephrocalcinosis, a renal failure. At patients with a renal failure development of aluminum, magnesian intoxication, thirst, decrease in the ABP, a hyporeflexia is possible. An exacerbation of bone and joint diseases and Alzheimer's disease (at elderly people). From bodies of a GIT taste disturbance, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a lock can be shown.
Interaction with other medicines:
Reduces and slows down absorption of digoxin, indometacin, salicylates, Chlorpromazinum, Phenytoinum, bpokator of H2-histamine receptors, beta adrenoblockers, a diflunisal, a ketokonazol and an itrakonazol, an isoniazid, antibiotics of a tetracycline row and hinolon, azithromycin, a tsefpodoksim, a pivampitsillin, rifampicin, indirect anticoagulants, barbiturates, a feksofenadin, Dipiridamolum, a zaltsitabin, chenodesoxycholic and ursodezoksikholevy acids, Penicillaminum and lansoprazol. M-holinoblokatory, slowing down gastric emptying, strengthen and extend effect of drug.
Hypersensitivity to drug components Simalgel-VM, the expressed renal failure (because of danger of increase in concentration of ions of magnesium and aluminum in blood serum because of delay of their allocation by kidneys), a hypophosphatemia, Alzheimer's disease, deficit of invertase/isomaltase, intolerance of fructose, glyukozo-galaktozny malabsorption, children's age up to 10 years.
With care
With care to apply at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation, at liver diseases, alcoholism, a craniocereberal injury, diseases of a brain, epilepsy, children are from 10 to 18 years old.
Use at pregnancy and a lactation
Use of drug at pregnancy and during breastfeeding is possible only in that case when the estimated advantage for mother exceeds potential risk for a fruit or the child. At administration of drug in the period of a lactation of the termination of breastfeeding it is not required.
Symptoms: signs of disturbance of exchange of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus (weakness, an ostealgia, erubescences, inadequate behavior), can be observed signs of a metabolic alkalosis (change of mood, numbness or muscle pain, nervousness, bystry fatigue, unpleasant flavoring feelings).
Treatment: stimulation of vomiting, gastric lavage, reception of absorbent carbon.
Storage conditions:
In the dry and protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C. After opening of a bottle to use drug within 28 days. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Suspension for intake.
125 ml, 300 ml of drug in bottles from dark glass. One bottle with the dosed cap together with the application instruction in a pack cardboard.