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Acute gastritis


Acute gastritis call the acute inflammation of a mucous membrane of a stomach caused by one-time influence of strong irritants. Acute gastritis often develops owing to hit in a stomach of the chemical irritating substances, reception of some drugs, the use of the low-quality and infected with disease-producing mikroogranizm food.

Symptoms of Acute gastritis:

At an inflammation of a stomach the acute cutting pains, heavy feeling and burnings in an anticardium are characteristic. In several hours there is nausea and vomiting, the meteorism, abdominal distention and a diarrhea joins. In language there is a grayish-white plaque, salivation is broken, there can be a dryness in a mouth or, on the contrary, hypersalivation and an unpleasant smell from a mouth. Pain "in the pit of the stomach" is felt and if there is a diarrhea, then morbidity is felt also in the lower part of a stomach. In mild cases the disease proceeds without disability. In heavy temperature rises, skin turns pale, arterial pressure decreases, pulse becomes weak, patients feel low.

Reasons of Acute gastritis:

Acute gastritis can arise also against the background of other general diseases, is frequent — at acute infections or disbolism.
Depending on clinical manifestations and the nature of injury of a mucous membrane of a stomach consider the following types of acute gastritis: catarral, fibrinous, korrozivny and phlegmonous.
Catarral gastritis (Latin gastritis catarrhalis, Xing. simple gastritis, banal gastritis) is most often a consequence of food poisonings and improper feeding. It is characterized by infiltration of leukocytes in a mucous membrane of a stomach, a peristatic hyperemia, dystrophic changes of an epithelium.
Fibrinous gastritis (Latin gastritis fibrinosa, Xing. diphtheritic gastritis) arises at poisoning with acids, corrosive sublimate or at serious infectious diseases. Acute gastritis, Fibrinous gastritis is characterized by a diphtheritic inflammation of a mucous membrane of a stomach.
Corrosion gastritis (Latin gastritis corrosiva, Xing. necrotic gastritis, toksiko-chemical gastritis) arises because of hit in a stomach of concentrated acids or alkalis, salts of heavy metals. Corrosion gastritis is characterized by necrotic changes of tissues of stomach.
The reasons of phlegmonous gastritis (Latin gastritis phlegmonosa) — injuries and complications after a peptic ulcer or a carcinoma of the stomach, some infectious diseases. It is characterized by purulent fusion of a wall of a stomach and distribution of pus on a submucosal layer.

Treatment of Acute gastritis:

The main thing at treatment of acute gastritis is elimination of the reasons of its emergence. For clarification of a stomach to the patient allow to drink 2-3 glasses of warm water and cause vomiting. At toxi-infectious or chemical poisonings during the first hours wash out a stomach warm water, using for this purpose a thick gastric tube. Washing is carried out to pure waters. Within the first days food is not eaten, appointed warm fractional drink (more preferable) or a water and tea diet. Then the diet is gradually expanded, adhering to the principle of a mechanical, thermal and chemical shchazheniye. Gradually include in a diet mucous soups, the liquid wiped porridges, kissels, fruit jellies, soft-boiled egg, crackers from white flour.
For elimination of pains accept spasmolysants, cholinolytics, antacids. Reception of enterosorbents is recommended (a smekta and others). At vomiting appoint prokinetics. At acute toxi-infectious gastritis — antibiotics (aminoglycosides, ftorkhinolona, Biseptolum and others). At heavy acute gastritis for correction of water and electrolytic disturbances enter parenterally glucose solution, normal saline solution, potassium drugs.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Acute gastritis:

  • Препарат Рекутан.


    Dermatological drugs.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Алмагель® НЕО.

    Алмагель® NEO

    Antiacid means. Carminative means.

    Actavis Ltd. (Aktavis Ltd.) Switzerland

  • Препарат Алмагель®.


    Antiacid means.

    Actavis Ltd. (Aktavis Ltd.) Switzerland

  • Препарат Сималгел-ВМ.


    Antiacid means. Carminative means.

    "World Medicine" Great Britain ("UORLD MEDITSIN") Great Britain

  • Препарат Алмагель®А.


    Antiacid and local anesthetic.

    Actavis Ltd. (Aktavis Ltd.) Switzerland

  • Препарат Релцер.


    Antiacid means. Carminative means.

    Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Glenmark Pharmasyyutikalz Ltd) India

  • Препарат Релцер.


    Antiacid means. Carminative means.

    Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Glenmark Pharmasyyutikalz Ltd) India

  • Препарат Гелусил.


    Antiacid means.

    Hemofarm, A.D. (A.D. Hemofarm) Serbia

  • Препарат Рутацид.


    Antiacid means.

    Krka Russia

  • Препарат Гастрацид.


    Antiacid means.

    Natur Produkt Europe B.V. (Natures Product Europe B.V.) Netherlands

  • Сайт детского здоровья