
Producer: Actavis Ltd. (Aktavis Ltd.) Switzerland
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A02AX
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Suspension.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agents: oxide of aluminum of 4%, oxide of magnesium of 1,38%.
Excipients: sorbite, methylparahydroxybenzoate, пропилпарагидроксибензоат, butylparahydroxybenzoate, alcohol (1,8%), saccharin sodium, lemon oil, hydroxyethylcellulose, the purified water.
Description: Алмагель® represents suspension of white or slightly grayish color with characteristic sweetish taste and a fresh characteristic smell of a lemon. At storage, especially at low temperatures, the layer of transparent liquid is allocated for surfaces. At vigorous agitation of a bottle homogeneity of suspension is recovered. Mixes up with water and alcohol.
Pharmacological properties:
Алмагель® neutralizes free hydrochloric acid in a stomach that leads to reduction of the digesting activity of a gastric juice. Does not cause secondary hypersecretion of a gastric juice. Has the adsorbing and enveloping effect, reduces influence of disturbing factors on a mucous membrane. The therapeutic effect after administration of drug occurs in 3-5 minutes and proceeds on average 70 minutes.
Indications to use:
Peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum in an aggravation phase; acute gastritis, chronic gastritis with the increased and normal secretory function in an aggravation phase; duodenitis, enteritis; hernia of an esophageal opening of a diaphragm, reflux esophagitis; functional disorders of intestines, colitis; discomfort and pains in epigastriums at an error in a diet, after the use of coffee, nicotine, alcohol; preventively at treatment by glucocorticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Route of administration and doses:
INSIDE! On doctor's orders, on 1-3 dosing (tea) spoons, depending on sharpness of a case, 3-4 times a day for half an hour to food and in the evening before going to bed. At a peptic ulcer of a duodenum and some forms of a peptic ulcer of a stomach (an ulcer of antral department) it is possible to accept Almagel® between the main meals. At achievement of optimum therapeutic effect the supporting treatment is recommended: on 1 dosing spoon 3-4 times a day within 2-3 months. ПрофилактическиАлмагель® accept in a dose 1k2 teaspoons.
At children drug is used strictly on doctor's orders: to children up to 10 years appoint 1/3 doses for adults, and to children from 10 to 15 years - on 1/2 doses for adults.
At the disease which is followed by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains, treatment is begun with Almagel A, and after disappearance of the listed symptoms passed to Almagel reception.
Preventions: the interval between reception of Almagelum and other lekarstkvenny means has to make 1-2 hours. the neena is recommended to accept drug in the doses exceeding 16 spoons a day or if apply such dose, duration of a course of treatment has to make no more than 2 weeks.
Pri long administration of drug should provide sufficient receipt with phosphorus food. ьперед reception the bottle should be shaken up!
Pregnancy and lactation: It is not recommended to appoint Almagel® longer than 3 days at pregnancy. To avoid appointment to nursing mothers.
Side effects:
In some cases at administration of drug there can be a change of flavoring feelings, nausea, vomiting, a spasm of a stomach, pain in epigastric area and a lock which pass after reduction of a dose. At use of high doses can cause drowsiness. Long treatment using high doses of drug and a poor fosforomeda can lead at predisposed patients to development of deficit of phosphorus in an organism, raised
resorption and excretion of calcium with urine and to emergence of osteomalacy. Therefore at long administration of drug it is necessary to provide sufficient receipt with phosphorus food. At patients with chronic insufficiency of kidneys, except osteomalacy, hypostases of extremities, dementia and a gipermagniyemiya can be observed.
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use of Almagel® can reduce therapeutic effect of antibiotics of a tetracycline row, blockers of histamine H2 receptors, glycosides of a foxglove, salts of iron, ciprofloxacin, fenotiazin, an isoniazid, beta adrenoblockers, indometacin and a ketokonazol.
Hypersensitivity to drug components, the expressed renal failure, Alzheimer's disease, early children's age (up to 1 month).
At single exceeding of a dose other signs of overdose except a lock, a meteorism, feeling of metal taste in a mouth are not observed.
At long reception of high doses emergence of heavy locks, easy drowsiness, a gipermagniyemiya are possible formation of stones in kidneys. Also signs of a metabolic alkalosis can be observed: change of mood or intellectual activity, numbness or muscle pain, nervousness and bystry fatigue, breath delay, unpleasant flavoring feelings.
In these cases it is necessary to take measures for bystry removal of drug from an organism at once - a gastric lavage, stimulation of vomiting, reception of absorbent carbon.
Storage conditions:
In the dry and protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C. Not to allow freezing! A period of validity of 5 years from the date of production.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Suspension in glass bottles on 170 ml with the dosing spoon; suspension in plastic bottles on 170 ml with the dosing spoon.