Anacid gastritis
- Description
- Symptoms of Anacid gastritis
- Reasons of Anacid gastritis
- Treatment of Anacid gastritis
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see also:
- Gastritis
- Gipoatsidny gastritis
- Chronic gastritis
- Hyper secretory gastritis
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Anacid gastritis is a kind of chronic gastritis with the lowered acidity. Strictly speaking distinguish two types of such gastritis - anacid when acid is practically not emitted, and gipoatsidny with insufficient, but not zero level of hydrochloric acid.
Symptoms of Anacid gastritis:
Acidity level in a stomach is defined by means of an intragastric rn-metriya now.
Normal in a stomach body i.e. where acid is produced, size рН has to be ranging from 1,6 to 2,0. At anacid gastritis рН can reach 5-7.
The lowered acidity represents rather serious problem. Availability of acid in a stomach provides bactericidal effect if it is not enough easier there is infection with microbes, the mucous membrane of a stomach inflames more often, various pathologies develop.
At the lowered acidity proteins in a stomach badly are split. Accumulation of products of their disintegration can lead to developing of oncological diseases.
At the lowered acidity motility of a stomach and intestines decreases, it can lead to emergence of locks. The research of motility of a stomach and intestines can be conducted by means of a manometriya and a gastrografiya that together with results of an intragastric rn-metriya and endoscopy will give a full and objective picture of a disease.

Stomach atrophy at anacid gastritis
Reasons of Anacid gastritis:
Insufficient secretion of hydrochloric acid is observed by covering (obkladochny) cells. The atrophy of cells caused by their autoimmune defeat is the cornerstone of this phenomenon. Therefore anacid gastritis is actually atrophic gastritis.
Treatment of Anacid gastritis:
Treatment of anacid gastritis consist in substitution of natural hydrochloric acid its drugs. Enzymatic means are applied to stimulation of processes of digestion.
Recommendations about food at anacid gastritis are usual - avoid some greasy, rough and fried food. It is better to eat gradually and more often. It is better to prepare on melted or vegetable oil as refractory animal fats are acquired worse. Fresh salads can be combined with boiled or stewed vegetables better.
Acid berries and fruit in itself do not increase acidity, but are useful to enzymatic system therefore is them at desire it is quite possible.