
Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A09AC01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 200 mg of an atsidin (hydrochloride betaine), 50 mg of pepsin.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Pepsin is one of the main proteolytic enzymes of a digestive tract. It is developed in cells of a mucous membrane of a stomach in an inactive form — as proferment a pepsinogen which turns into active enzyme pepsin in gastric contents. Operates on the initial stage of a proteopepsis in a digestive tract; in acid medium of gastric contents hydrolyzes proteins to peptides, among hydrolysates there are also amino acids. At рН 5,0 causes milk curdling.
Atsidin (a betaine a hydrochloride) promotes increase in acidity of gastrointestinal juice, creates optimum рН for activity of pepsin. 0,4 g of a betaine of a hydrochloride correspond to about 16 drops of divorced Acidum hydrochloricum.
Pharmacokinetics. Pepsin shows optimum activity at рН 1,4 — 2,5; in case of increase рН activity decreases, at рН more than 6,0 — stops. Collapses in a duodenum under the influence of pancreas enzymes.
Betaine the hydrochloride at introduction to a stomach is easily hydrolyzed with allocation of free Acidum hydrochloricum.
Indications to use:
Apply at hypo - and anacid gastritises, an akhiliya, dyspepsia.
Route of administration and doses:
Dose for adults: on 2 tablets 3 — 4 times a day; for children — from 1/4 to 1 tablets depending on age 3 — 4 times a day. Tablets before reception dissolve in 1/4 — 1/2 glasses of water. Accept in time or after food.
Side effects:
(Seldom) slight nausea and heartburn are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
The effect decreases at a concomitant use of the bases (antacids), heavy metals, a tannin, kislotoreagiruyushchy drugs. Pepsin collapses under the influence of alcohol.
Are not established.
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light, at a temperature not above 25 °C. A period of validity — 1,5 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets in banks glass No. 50.