Liver hemangioma
- Description
- Liver hemangioma symptoms
- Liver hemangioma reasons
- Diagnosis
- Treatment of a hemangioma of a liver
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The hemangioma of a liver is a high-quality new growth of hepatic fabric. This type of a hemangioma represents some kind of ball of vessels localized in a liver. Such hemangioma is also called a cavernous hemangioma.
Liver hemangioma symptoms:
In most cases hemangiomas of a liver are found during the researches on an occasion of other diseases. Most of people with this pathology do not even guess its existence, do not show complaints and, respectively, do not need treatment.
The message on existence of a new growth in a liver causes alarm among the patient, however there are no proofs that in the absence of treatment the hemangioma can lead to liver cancer.
In most cases, the hemangioma of a liver does not cause any signs or symptoms.
In hard cases symptoms after all are, they include:
- pain in an upper right part of a stomach;
- feeling of bystry saturation in time food;
- lack of appetite;
- nausea;
- vomiting.
Now it is not clear what reasons lead to formation of a hemangioma of a liver. Doctors consider that the hemangioma of a liver is an inborn disease.
Hemangiomas of a liver are usually limited to one blood vessel, and reach volume to 4 cm in width. There are also big hemangiomas of a liver ( more than 4 cm).
At most of people the hemangioma of a liver does not progress in sizes, is not shown by any symptoms. But at small percent of sick people the hemangioma will grow, causing complications and demanding treatment. It is not clear yet why it occurs.
Liver hemangioma
Liver hemangioma reasons:
Factors which can favor to development of a hemangioma:
1. Your age. The hemangioma can be diagnosed at any age, but more often it is found from 30 to 50 years.
2. Your floor. Women have this pathology more often, than men.
3. Pregnancy. At women who were pregnant the hemangioma of a liver comes to light considerably more often than at women who never in the life became pregnant. It is considered that hormone estrogen which level increases during pregnancy can play a part in a pathogeny of this pathology.
4. Replacement hormonal therapy. At women who accept replacement hormonal therapy in the period of a menopause symptoms the hemangioma of a liver comes to light more often than usually.
The tests and procedures used for diagnosis of a hemangioma include:
- Ultrasonography inspection.
- Computer Tomography (CT).
- Magnetic and Resonant Tomography (MRT).
Other tests and procedures can be used depending on a specific situation.
Most of people do not need treatment concerning a liver hemangioma.
If the hemangioma small also does not cause any signs or symptoms, the patient does not need treatment. In most cases the liver hemangioma will never grow and will not cause problems further.

Liver hemangioma on an ultrasonography research
Treatment of a hemangioma of a liver:
Treatment of a hepatic hemangioma which causes certain symptoms.
If the hemangioma grows quickly enough to put pressure upon nearby structures of an abdominal cavity, it can cause complications. Such situation assumes active medical tactics.
Options of treatment can include:
1. Operation on removal of a hepatic hemangioma. If the hemangioma can be easily separated from a liver, the doctor can recommend operation on removal of this education.
2. Surgery on removal of a part of a liver which contains a hemangioma. In certain cases, the surgeon is forced to remove a part of a liver together with a hemangioma.
3. The procedures directed to a stop of inflow of blood to a hemangioma. It is in certain cases reasonable to carry out blockade of a blood-groove to a hemangioma. The blood stream can be stopped by bandaging of a hepatic artery or administration of injection drug in an artery to block е (arterial embolization). This anemic procedure leads to a new growth stunt, and even to reduction of its weight. Healthy tissues of a liver remain safe.
4. Operation on liver transplantation. Seldom or never, if the hemangioma reaches the huge sizes, or there are multiple hemangiomas which cannot be removed in a different way, operation on liver transplantation can become method of the choice.
5. Radiation therapy at which powerful beams of energy are used, such as X-ray to destroy hemangioma cells. This procedure is used seldom.