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Sialaden cancer


Sialaden cancer - a rare form of cancer which meets in one of sialadens in a mouth, a neck or a throat. The person has main sialadens over and under jaws and hundreds of other tiny sialadens in lips, in cheeks and everywhere in a mouth and in a throat.
The reason of cancer of a sialaden is not clear, however subjection of radiation, smoking of tobacco and heredity can increase risk of a disease. As at men and people 50 years other structure of a neck are more senior, the probability of a disease of cancer of a sialaden increases.
As it is difficult to predict who can get sick with this disease, be convinced that you paid attention to possible signs and symptoms. The first symptom of cancer of a sialaden - the painless cone or a tumor which forms about a sialaden. If the cone or a tumor develops on or about a jaw, on a neck or in a mouth, surely see a doctor.

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Sialaden cancer reasons:

Sialadens produce saliva which helps to digest food, helps to prevent fragility of teeth and constantly moistens a mouth. There are three couples of main sialadens under a jaw - a parotid gland, hypoglossal and submandibular. The parotid gland which is located before an ear is the most frequent site for developing of cancer of a sialaden. The set of other tiny sialadens is in lips, in cheeks and everywhere in a mouth and in a throat.
When healthy cells, they grow and share an organized way. This process DNA - genetic material which contains special instructions for each chemical process in a body manages. When by DNA it is damaged, there are changes in these instructions. One of outcomes such is that cells can become uncontrollable and, eventually, create the mass of cancer cells.
It is not known what forces this process to begin in sialaden cells. Also not clearly, why some tumors of sialadens high-quality, and other malignant. Cancer educations in a throat and in a neck can cause sialaden cancer, and tobacco can increase risk of this disease. The majority of cancer formations of a neck and head are connected with tobacco smoking. Subjection of radiation and heredity can also play a role in development of cancer of a sialaden.
There are three couples of main sialadens - a parotid gland, hypoglossal and submandibular - located in a back part of a jaw.
Risk factors.
These factors can increase probability of a disease of sialaden cancer:
Tobacco use. Smoking or chewing of tobacco can increase risk of cancer of a sialaden.
Radiation. As radiation can damage DNA if you underwent beam treatment in the head or a neck or if you constantly face radioactive materials at work, then the probability to develop some types of cancer, including cancer of a sialaden is much more, than for people who were not subjected to radiation.
Heredity. If members of your family had sialaden cancer, you can be in risk group of this disease.

Sialaden cancer symptoms:

The initial stage of this type of cancer proceeds without symptoms. Sometimes patients note dryness in a mouth or, on the contrary, hypersalivation — excess salivation. But to connect these symptoms with an oncopathology seldom to whom comes to mind. Eventually the tumor expands, there is a swelling which can "grow" outside, being stuck out through a cheek, and can only be felt from within, at palpation as language of the lower part of an oral cavity or over painters (back teeth). Later there is a feeling of numbness of a cheek from the sick party, the pain — more often pulling, giving to an ear and a neck joins. Many take this pain for otitis, begin to heat an ear that at oncopathologies is strictly forbidden. And when cancer of a sialaden passes into a final stage, the diagnosis becomes obvious.


If the doctor suspects that you have a high probability of emergence of cancer of a sialaden, then he at first will make physical survey, having felt consolidations in a jaw, a neck and a throat, and also in a mouth and will examine all mouth the special device with a mirror and a small lamp.
To find unnatural consolidation, the doctor can carry out several additional tests and tests:
Computer tomography. Computer survey allows the doctor to see all bodies in two-dimensional space. Computer processing occupies fractions of a second and displays the internal picture on the screen as a number of very thin X-ray passes through all body.
Magnetic and resonant scanning. The magnetic scanner does not use any X-ray. Instead the computer creates images of a plate of fabric from the data made by powerful magnetic field and radio waves.

The computer tomography and magnetic scanning will help the doctor to define whether you have a tumor how big it is and whether it extended out of a sialaden. If results show "abnormality", then the doctor has to take a small sample of a tumor (biopsy) which will be investigated in laboratory. Results of a biopsy will show, whether a zlokachestvenn or a nezlokachestvenn a tumor.
Further identification of cancer.
If the biopsy shows sialaden cancer, then the doctor will define type of a cell in which cancer began, and also type of a disease and a stage to recommend the most corresponding treatment.
Cellular classification. Cancer of a sialaden can begin in many different types of cells. From more than 40 known types of tumors, cancer of a sialaden has one of the most various groups of a tumor of a body which sometimes complicates cellular classification of a disease.
Gradation. The type of cancer of a sialaden depends on how malignant cells look under a microscope. Low-grade cancer cells resemble more normal cells, than high-grade cells which seem much more wrong. Cancer type - a factor which the doctor will use to define how quickly the tumor can grow or extend.
Definition of a stage. The stage of a disease defines degree or prevalence of cancer. The stage of cancer of a sialaden is based on the size of a tumor, prevalence of cancer out of sialadens and participation of lymph nodes. Additional magnetic scanning or a computer tomography can be necessary for definition of a stage of cancer.

Cancer therapy of a sialaden:

Cancer therapy of a sialaden usually includes surgery, with radiation therapy or without it. Your treatment planning has to be made definitely for you by group of doctors, including surgeons, cancer specialists (oncologists) and doctors who specialize in cancer therapy by means of radiation (beam oncologists).
If cancer did not extend out of a sialaden and if the tumor - small and "a low grade", is required only surgery to get rid of a tumor.
The oncotomy from glands can be complicated because several important nerves are located around these glands. For example, the nerve which manages the front movement (the VII-th cranial nerve) passes through a parotid gland. Oncotomy complications from a parotid gland can include injury of a nerve which can affect a facial expression. Nerves about submandibular and hypoglossal glands include the movement and control of language, sensitivity and taste. If cancer extended out of a sialaden, some of these nerves, perhaps, have to be removed.
The surgeon, perhaps, will remove lymph nodes in a neck ("opening of a neck") to see whether cancer extended. In addition to removal of lymph nodes, "opening of a neck" can include removal of other muscles and nerves in a neck. Complications after opening of a neck can include lack of sensitivity of an ear, weakness in an under lip and weakness when raising a hand is higher than the head.
Physical therapy.
You, for certain, need physical therapy to overcome such complications after surgery as difficulties at a conversation, chewing or swallowing. The dietitian will help to choose products which are suitable for you if you lost a part of ability to chew and swallow. You also receive instructions how to learn to swallow again.
Recovery therapy.
If a large number of a bone or fabric was cut out during surgery, then the plastic surgery is necessary. The purpose of a plastic surgery consists in improving appearance and to help you to adapt to difficulties which can arise with chewing, swallowing, at a conversation or at breath. Skin transplantation or fabrics from other parts of a body can be required to recover a woven cover in a mouth, a throat or a jaw. The denture can be also required to replace a part of the jaw removed during surgery.
Radiation therapy.
At radiation therapy X-ray is used to kill cancer cells. Radiation of cancer of a sialaden usually happens to the help of the car which is located out of a body (external radiation therapy).
If the tumor rather big and difficult if cancer extended out of sialadens or if the doctor is concerned that other areas can be affected, then radiation after surgery can become a part of treatment. If the tumor cannot be removed by means of surgery, then only radiation can be used to get rid of sialaden cancer.
Side effects from radiation of the head and a neck can include changes in color of skin and structure (similar to suntan), dryness in a mouth or compaction of saliva, redness, irritation and wounds in a mouth, quinsy, a hoarseness, problems when swallowing, rigidity of a jaw, loss or changes in taste, ear pain, an ostealgia, nausea, or fatigue.
The chemotherapy is not used as standard treatment for sialaden cancer though scientists investigate its efficiency in treatment of this disease.

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